ART ON THE EDGE: ARTS FOR HEALING, ARTS FOR ALL by Melani Mabalot, BEE III-1 Art is a vague word. Let us start by defining it. Art is a diverse human activities and a product of human endeavor. Art is not just a mere form of drawing as what we always thought about it. It is a craft of all fields, a masterpiece of one’s imagination and clever thoughts. We often take arts for granted; we even don’t give it a damn. But, for some, art is everything, art is life. But the question is how important art is? Is it that valuable? Is it all worth it? Is it worth a try? As what I’ve mentioned earlier, art is a diverse human activity, it could be in painting, carving, writing, singing, dancing and many more. Art is one of the many outlets of human’s emotions. It could represent one’s personal value, beliefs and background. It could showcase personal thoughts and most of all; it could speak the words we often left unsaid. I happen to know someone who possesses an exemplary talent in singing. He is not just a singer but a person who has the passion and art of singing. A plain singer is different from the person who has the art of singing, why? Because a singer only sings but an artist in singing; performs. Through singing, he shows how sorrowful he is for he loses his parents emotionally. Through singing he extends his doubts and fears. Thus, his art of music keeps him alive. See how important art is? It keeps us breathing; it is the air in our system when the world takes us our oxygen. Arts are healing. Have you ever been in a hospital? Or in a mental institution, or in a center for disabled person? Patients there are using art for healing. For based on a study, engaging sick people to something they love to do or things where they feel comfortable to work with could increase the level of recovery. Art is one of the reasons why they could feel importance. It could give them satisfaction and could relieve all their pains, worries and stress. That positive results in putting art in their lives, add a kilometer thread of life. Art heals not just physical pain but also emotional. In a city we often see a vandalized wall. Writings may be unpleasant to read and soring to the eyes but believe it or not, every words is equivalent to one saved life. “I WANNA DIE”, “THEY HATE ME, AS MUCH AS I HATE LIFE ITSELF”. These are some examples of their shout outs. What do you think will happen if the art of writing is not present at the moment? Yes, probably, instead of writing them, they do it literally. Through those walls, they express how solidarity and being unaccepted, kills them slowly. See how detrimental life is without art. Income is directly proportional to art. It may sounds funny but definitely true. Doing something without passion is like doing nothing. And passion is present when we do it with our art. The greater the passion in doing our art the more productive we are. Giving too much emphasis on what we are up to means giving too much assert as well as to our financial value. There are plenty more reasons why art is important but I know deep in you, you have your own reasons. We often idolized people who excel in their careers. Manny Pacquiao in boxing, Lebron James in basketball, Gary Valenciano in music industry, Galileo Galilee and Albert Einstein in science , Philippine All Star in dancing and many more well-known names in different fields. They just not excel, but they soar high. People will never stop talking their heritage to the next generations. They are the individuals who curve their names in the portal of fame. But I will tell you, living and curving names in that portal has not been stop. Our national hero, Jose Rizal did not just curve his name but stand another portal which surpasses all other by dying for our country. And there’s a lot more, people who sacrifice their lives for the country. The art of nationalism and patriotism is what they possess. We all learn with the same component and the same way of breathing but we do differ in how we do good in our different art. God has given us equal chance, he created us with love. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Why not use this chance to prosper, to develop our own different art. We alone can do it. We alone can nurture it to its full potentials. Art is there, and will always be there waiting to be develop and waiting to be enhanced by you. You have your own art which makes you unique as a person. Use it to radiate positivity and life to those who are losing their art. i have a choice, either to curve your name on the portal of fame or make your own portal and surpass other by using you own art. Believe in your art, you have it. Art is real. As real as you as a result of God’s art.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 09:39:50 +0000

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