ARTERIES BLOCKAGE??? CHOLESTEROL ??? HBP??? EXCESS WEIGHT ???--->>> Y NOT GIVE A TRY SIDE BY SIDE A positive feedback--->>.CHARY says: This is an excellent medicine. One of my friends, from Pakistan, who was advised to undergo Angioplasty. Then that patient went to a HAKIM , who suggested this medicine. Believe it or not the blocks were found to have been cleared in 15 days. This is the truth. 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 cup lemon juice, boil those 4 cups (ginger and garlic 1 cup of each), down to 3 cups total, then add 3 cups pure honey. Elizabeth says: I started taking this Oct. 16th because my cholesteral was 287. My doc wanted me on statins which I had stopped previously because of the terrible leg cramps it causes. She put me on it again and the cramps started again, so I took myself off them. I began the “elixir” and took it for 6 weeks before my blood tests. I was ecstatic to see my cholesteral had dropped 37 points in 6 weeks!! It is still high at 251 but I will continue to take this and see what my next blood tests show in 3 months!! It is incredible!! BTW, mine did not turn blue-green when I boiled it !??! Reply@ ridinouttherecession/?p=1617 or One cup of garlic juice one cup of ginger juice one cup of apple side vinegar ( with mother in it ) un posturized 3 cups of un posturized raw honey Mix all juices and honey Drink one tablespoon empty stomach in morning. Drink for one week and the give a gap I think taking 1/2 spoonful CINNAMON with it, will make it MAGICAL. earthclinic/cu…/heart-disease-prevention.html
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 07:04:34 +0000

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