ARTICLE ELEVEN: I am not looking for disciples! I share what I - TopicsExpress


ARTICLE ELEVEN: I am not looking for disciples! I share what I learn and believe. I share from my errors and I do all this to help people because I love talking to people and making some form of impact in lives. It is not some twisted, praise hungry, ego feeding ploy to be called daddy and papa and pastor. Being given titles will not in any way improve my life. If anything it places one more at risk due to temptations for pride and boastfulness. If your response any time I tell you I am busy or I will not reply something you said, is that it is because of all this, then you have a lot of growing up to do and you need to actually sit down and find out who I am as you clearly do not know me. All my friends and family can testify that my number one phobia for ministry is titles. The second is pastoring a church. The third is mentoring. I get chills whenever a new person asks for it. GET YOURSELF IN ORDER!!! ARTICLE TWELVE: Why are people so fast to get annoyed over any form of correction? Are you related to ZEUS? My name is ONUORA! If I do not know you and you call me ONU, you will not be answered. If you persist, I tell you. If you persist further, I delete thee! Na by force? If you get angry for being told not to call me something, when no one abused or attacked you, please check yourself. ARTICLE THIRTEEN: I do not ask for money for what I do. So if anybody has any personal ideas and opinions about how I should be using the money people give for ministry in this way or that way...SWALLOW IT. I have NEVER asked for a cent. Stop using style to ask if I collect money and what I use it for. I am the one who pays for everything I do. Now that I have answered your indirect questions directly, shey you will rest now and allow the work to continue? ARTICLE FOURTEEN: I am not interested in church and preacher bashing! DO NOT BRING IT TO MY WALL! I have my reservations about some preachers and I know when and how to say it. Keep your UN-knowledgeable zeal off my wall and take the propaganda away from here. Do not come here and attempt to make me look like I am one with you in your witch hunts. I have more important things to do, like read my bible and grow in Christ than go around looking for who is a false preacher. Is that what your bible told you to do? ARTICLE FIFTEEN: Where I live is not open for public discussion. Only people I want to know will know. The way some folks insist on knowing exactly where you stay, right down to the house number is more than a bit frustrating! Na wetin you wan take my house address do? ARTICLE SIXTEEN: Believe it or not, my number, email and pin are not shared at random. Call it whatever you want. Na me geh de number so if you no like am, hug willie willie! I was brought up by parents who said when you want something you ASK for it politely and you must have a reason for asking for it. They also taught me that if the person who you asked something of says no, you do not start talking nonsense out of annoyance and childishness. No be by force. The next person who DEMANDS for my contact details as if I owe them to him/her will be blessed in a supernatural way that day. You have my word on that. ARTICLE SEVENTEEN: I have my private principles that guide me. They are based on my personal life and my walk with Christ. They are not based on yours. Do not presume to tell me how my own principles are not OK. Jesus is not complaining. He and I have been getting along fine before you came along so please leave us alone. If you cannot or will not accept them then you can go. I will not be offended. ARTICLE EIGHTEEN: If you decide to unfriend and block me, feel free. The problem will be when you start going around making noise about it as if it is supposed to make me feel bad. Grow up. If you remove me and I do not know, how would and should I care? And if I do know and you do not explain why and I do not ask, why e dey pain you sotey you begin teh pipu? ARTICLE NINETEEN: You see this Facebook wall? I can write anything I want and some of the stuff I write is personal encounters with people. Not all but, some. If you and I have an issue and you immediately come here to see if I will write about it, I think I can understand that. However when you childishly interpret just any random post that does not even connect to you as being abut you and then you post about it and me and send me silly messages saying you are disappointed and I am a child and I have a lot to decision; I wont reply. I will just delete you. No need to talk plenty gist. ARTICLE TWENTY: I never EVER say I am perfect or pretend to be. If anything I constantly share of my errors, past and present and so many of my failings. Anyone who therefore accuses me of such needs to sit down and drink some cold water. They are not seeing clearly and have issues to resolve with me so they see what they want to see. *I will pause here and continue later*
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:19:10 +0000

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