ARTSCAPE LOOMS!!!!! Our main focus at the moment at Rainbow - TopicsExpress


ARTSCAPE LOOMS!!!!! Our main focus at the moment at Rainbow Dreams Trust is on our ‘to be a child again’ project clubs debut at the Artscape theatre this coming Wednesday and Thursday. The children are a mixture of excitement and nerves as they make their final preparations. We have been so blessed to have had some wonderful people helping the children. The direction and production of the three clubs performances is headed by Koyo.......For many years Koyo has been a staunch member of the Camp Hope team of buddies and now he has excelled yet again in his position as director of the performances. Koyo works full time and yet has given hours and hours of his time on the weekends to help our children..... hats off to you Koyo, how can we ever thank you!!! Then of course there are the costumes, props etc and in steps - Debbie, a professional stylist who in no time flat saw exactly what we needed and then spent the rest of her unselfish time running around, finding dressmakers, various items of fabric, clothing and props, what a super star Debs, we cannot thank you is no wonder you were named Rainbow Dreams Trust most dedicated volunteer..... Last Saturday we held our final dress rehearsal, the children have all been rehearsing in their club rooms but with such limited space, thanks once again to the generosity of Mr Duffet, the Disa High school principle, in Hout Bay, we were able to rehearse in the school hall on stage. Trying to get the kids used to this huge space was ...interesting, but like real troupers they soon got the hang of it. To help put a final polish on the performances and get the voices up to standard, Dean Kagan our choir director spent the day with us. Dean has had little time of late to work with the choir because every weekend has been taken up with Artscape rehearsals, but yet again we were amazed at his ability to coax the children into superb voice......the harmonies he created with the children were...... melting would think they had been rehearsing as a choir for months, well done Dean. Thanks also to Mel and Debbie for being there for us, pitching in to make no less than 140 hot dogs for the hungry performers......... Thanks must be given to the club leaders that have been helping the children, giving up their own time to attend rehearsals, thank you all of you, you are simply the best...I know I keep saying this but it is so true.....So wish us well guys, think of us on Wednesday and Thursday night, when the kids, are put to the test....who knows....we may even get to the finals.....BUT...... As Kevin one of our leaders from Hout Bay told the children, ‘you must all remember, it is not the winning that is important, it is the taking part’ do your best, we are all proud of you and remember to enjoy yourselves...This is one of the things we want for these children is to give them opportunities, keep them occupied with positive activities, teach them how to dream..... and to create ”happy memories” to replace, sadly, the all too often bad ones.... One of our club children who lost his Mother, tragically in a fire recently, with the help of our social worker Mandy, is going to be receiving much needed trauma counselling. On the face of it you would imagine he is taking everything in his stride, but we know him well and as so often happens after a tragedy like this, it is not only the grieving for their lost one, but the adjustment of living with another parent or foster family. There are no short cuts to this healing, but with professional help and the love and support of the leaders and club members, we hope he will overcome and grow in strength. Last week, we our Tutor Kassim says....another ’angel’ arrive at Rainbow Dreams Trust, Kassim could not stop smiling, he was so happy..... Kelsey Gibbs, Kelsey a student at UCT has offered to come and help the Hout Bay club kids with their homework and in particular, help with their English. What a boon, most of our children really struggle with reading and getting to grips with the complexities of the English language. Not only is Kelsey majoring in English, but it is her passion....yes...passionate people make all the difference.. What was it that Madiba said... ” What counts in life is not the mere fact that that we have lived. It is the difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” Makes you think doesn’t it.......
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:36:33 +0000

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