AS 2014 SLIPS AWAY.... Please light a blue light next week in - TopicsExpress


AS 2014 SLIPS AWAY.... Please light a blue light next week in honor of the officers who lost their lives to gun violence--and also the people who have died due to excessive police force. The murder of human beings because of their demographic category is wrong---period. I abhor the heinous execution of public servants, just because they wear a badge. Being a police officer does not make one evil or deserving of death. Similarly, the murder of unarmed people by officers whose knee-jerk reaction is abuse and execution--rather than apprehending cannot be condoned. How long can we turn a blind eye to the manifestations of our countrys ills? Our society is in a tail-spin. Only deeper understanding of the dynamics at play will reverse that downward spiral. In 2015, may Americans of all stripes reflect on our cultural divides and reject the many versions of tribal conflict that persist and undermine this nation. Bigotry, bullyism and cultural division was the basis on which this country was founded; but the American Ideal of freedom and justice for all is still a beacon that could help deliver us from the weigh of that heritage. Lets put aside our differences and build a sense of community-- where we do not fear but respect our peace officers. We need them and they need our support. But, by the same token, lets acknowledge we have been taught to distrust and fear those who seem different from ourselves. In 2015, may the United States move closer to achieving its promise. We all deserve that.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:20:13 +0000

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