AS A PM, YOU SHOULD LEAD THE COUNTRY WITHOUT ANY DISTRACTION FROM MAMAK OR DAIM, PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AND TALL THEM YOU ARE THE BOSS OR ELSE!!!! QUOTE:In the book, edited by Bridget Welsh and James Chin, Abdullah also said that when he left office in 2009, he was determined not to be like Mahathir. He wanted Datuk Seri Najib Razak to establish himself as the prime minister. “That is why I have remained silent all this time. I believe that once you retire, you are retired. You should not interfere with your successor. If there is anything you are unhappy with, you can always offer your views privately. Why bring it up in public and make life difficult for him? Abdullah earned the biggest mandate from the electorate in 2004 but squandered the historic opportunity to reform the country and carry through many of his election pledges. As a result, in 2008 he led Barisan Nasional to a poor showing, losing its customary two-thirds control of Parliament. In the book, he accepted blame for not meeting the expectations of the voters but said that Mahathir could not walk away from the 2008 results unscathed. “When we did well in 2004, he said such a strong mandate was not good for the country. When we did not do so well in 2008, he heaped all the blame on me. "He is doing it even today… Mahathir cannot deny that he contributed to the erosion of Barisan Nasional’s support in the 2008 elections through his open and unwarranted criticisms and attacks, calling my administration, which included a majority of people from his own Cabinet, as a ‘half-past six government’ and accusing us of corruption and all sorts of things,” said Abdullah. UNQUOTE Full article: malaysia-chronicle/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=141171:pak-lah-finally-exposes-dr-m-if-i-listened-to-him-msia-would-have-gone-bankrupt&Itemid=2#ixzz2bFFXAfkq Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 02:10:09 +0000

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