AS A TEACHER ASPIRING TO BE A JOURNALIST CAN I TAKE A DIPLOMA IN JOURNALISM Am 27 years old teacher with a bachelor’s degree in education arts (Math and Economics). I contribute opinions on the local dailies as well as magazines. I occasionally write on business issues and my dream is one day to become a business writer. I plan a diploma course in journalism. Could this be a right move towards my career aspirations? Answer It is commendable that you have taken notice of your skills in writing skills and taken the initiative to contribute articles. Writing is a skill that corresponds closely to your profession of teaching. You disseminate information with careful consideration of the mindset of the recipient while also systematically moderating the variant proportions of the target information. You are writer and all you need for now is first of all how you can strengthen your abilities and gain a command in writing authoritative articles. The next challenge is how to get recognition for the same articles. You are most likely addressing the two issues at the same time which may be overbearing in times of managing a comfortable transition. You need to mind about your how you transit from your current profession to your dream profession. Perhaps you do not even need to move. The traditional convention that ideally, one needs only one career from which they can get rewarded is obsolete. Writing is in principle a mode of passing information about a subject matter. Many times subject matter experts are not conversant with how to communicate their ideas to the target audience. A combination of a subject matter specialist and a good communicator is perfect for any media house. To you as a person, earning from two professions may not be such a bad idea so long as it stays at the level of media contribution through writing. Venturing into journalist will build your capacity in conceptualizing opportunities for information dissemination, research, data analysis and design of dissemination. The scope of the profession may require that this is the profession that you do and not some other full time career like teaching. If this is your passion, then you should go ahead and pursue it with minimal disruption to your financial stability. While you plan to pursue your dream career, your need to realize that you have at least one ability that could propel you into your dream profession – writing. You need to polish this and develop a command that would translate to your market recognition. This may better be strengthened if you seek to concentrate in some thematic areas and subjects that correspond to reader preferences. You don’t seem to be oriented towards entertainment industry oriented writing and so you would be more inclined to professional subjects. You need to be up to date with the business issues and increase the frequency of your writing. At some point you need to have built the content and command so that you can seek a regular contribution arrangement in any credible media house. With market recognition and opportunities to earn from your current contributions, you can then have the comfort of investing in the training while still undertaking the two careers. You may are consider assessing the possibility that your disposition is that in which you need to hold these two positions together – a teacher who writes. It may also interpret to an educational or business journalist.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:07:35 +0000

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