AS A YOUNG PERSON OF THIS NATION, ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED? I do not know about other persons my age, but I can say that I am very very concerned with the state of affairs we find ourselves in. I refrain from talking politics as much as I can, as a voter and as an intellectual for reasons of peace. But today, reading the news and hearing rumors, facts, and even voices in my head, I am moved to share simple but profound thoughts. First of all, lets clear up the meaning of a DEMOCRACY. Defined by the dictionary as: Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. If we are to meticulously look at our present government and every choice they have been making in the past 2 years, and ask ourselves if we are truly living in a DEMOCRACY or living under an AUTOCRACY. Lets clear up the meaning of AUTOCRACY: Government in which one person has uncontrolled or unlimited authority over others; the government or power of an absolute monarch. Today I read the news that BTL (government owned or in other words nationalized) is claiming back CHANNEL 5. By now we should all be aware of the on-going legal disputes between the Ashcroft group of companies and the United Democratic Party (GOV OF BELIZE). I would get into details, but this is one of the many moves that Dean Barrow and his government representatives are trying to MANIPULATE the system and SENSOR THE MEDIA. A press release was issued by the current deputy prime minister, Gaspar Vega, VOIDING ANY media house to share the allegations against him that he conspired for the death of Mr. Cervantes in Orange Walk. The NUMBER 1 control over people is FEAR. When autocrats talk, everyone moves. What this means is, PEOPLE LOSE THEIR VOICE. Information becomes null and void. People start to get censored and information (whether important or not) become lost in the space of nothing. It is truly worrisome for such high ranks to be sanctioning the freedom and media that we should rightly be enjoying. If it is only an allegation, then proper legal procedures should be carried out and if the accused is indeed innocent then that information should be shared as well. Every opportunity right now is being used to build resources, revenue and strategies to KEEP BELIZEANS WEAK and for the government to enjoy the monies that is rightfully for us, BELIZEANS. To know that the same deputy prime minister Gaspar Vega, gave his brother access to confiscated rosewood with a value of over $50,000,000 bzd claiming that the funds of sales would have been deposited into public coffers, really puts me uneasy. Why couldnt the MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES process the sales of rosewood and make sure the people of Belize and its resources benefit directly from it? I have tried to be very objective here as a YOUNG CITIZEN of what should be a DYNAMIC BELIZE. We are indeed truly blessed to be living in such a fascinating country however, the reality and truth is that OUR AFFAIRS ARE NOT BEING MANAGED PROPERLY AND WE ARE NOT LIVING IN A DEMOCRACY. WE ARE NOW BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO, HOW TO DO IT AND WHEN TO DO IT.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 20:40:21 +0000

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