AS GOOD AS = SAME QUALITIES = SAME POSITION NOT SAME QUALITIES = NOT SAME POSITION = NOT AS GOOD AS. MEANING OF GOOD-NOT GOOD-AS GOOD AS, IN A SPECIFIC ASPECT OR FUNCTION: We need to know the correct meaning of words to have a correct understanding of the statements of Srila Prabhupada. Studying and analyzing these standar expressions used on countless ocassions by Srila Prabhupada we can understand without doubts the correct meaning and thus not be confused by misinterpretation on essentials issues of Krishna consciousness. Vanipedia categories is a very good tool to study any and every subject. PART FIVE-Letter to Janardana, 26 April, 1968(REFERRED EXTRACT) “AS GOOD AS” one in the above mentioned group.(Letter to Janardana) DOES NOT REFER TO A CONDITIONED SOUL under the control of the illusory energy, under the influence of the material modes of nature, does not refer to a kanistha or madhyama devotee. IT REFERS TO A SIDDHA DEVOTEE,SAME SIDDHA AS THE NITYA SIDDHA,AS GOOD AS THE NITYA-SIDDHA,AS ONE IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED GROUP. “AS…AS”,ESTRUCTURES: -Used to express similarity or equality in a specified characteristic,condition,etc., as between one person or thing and another: as rich as Croesus. -In comparisons -When you are comparing one person or thing to another, -you can use “as” -followed by an adjective or adverb -followed by another “as”. The ponds were as big as tennis courts. I cant run as fast as you can. -EQUIVALENT TO;IN EFFECT;PRACTICALLY: . -TO THE SAME EXTEND,DEGREE OR QUANTITY THAT; EQUALLY -TO INDICATE IDENTITY OF EXTEND,AMOUNT,ETC: as good as new. You are as sweet as sugar. The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale. she is as heavy as her sister; she is as heavy now as she used to be. He is NOT AS POWERFUL AS the devotee. (About Maharaja Ambarisa and Durvasa Muni.) SB 6.2.11-Vrndavana, September 13, 1975-Unalloyed Peace-How (From minute 10:12 to minute10:18) SB 6.2.11: TRANSLATION BY following the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies or undergoing atonement, SINFUL MEN DO NOT BECOME “AS PURIFIED AS” BY chanting once the holy name of Lord Hari. - “AS GOOD AS”, means having the SAME SPECIFIC QUALITIES, QUALIFICATIONS,CHARACTERISTICS,on a specific aspect,than the object with which is compared,with the object under comparison, with what you are comparing someone or something to. Without EQUALITY on some specific qualities or without the same qualification we cannot speak of “AS GOOD AS “. WITHOUT THE SAME QUALITIES means “NOT AS GOOD AS.” SAME QUALITIES = SAME POSITION = AS GOOD AS. NOT SAME QUALITIES = NOT SAME POSITION = NOT AS GOOD AS. Letter to Janardana: 1.The statements of Thakura Bhaktivinode are “AS GOOD AS” scriptures because he is liberated person.” 2.but anyone who follows the principles of such ever liberated persons is “AS GOOD AS” one in the above mentioned group. The translation is: 1.The statements of Thakura Bhaktivinode “have the same quality that “ scriptures,are the same,identical,equal, because he is liberated person.” 2.but anyone who follows the principles of such ever liberated persons “has the same quality,the same position, that one in the above mentioned group, From the statements of Srila Prabhupada we can see that: AS GOOD AS = same qualities,same characteristics,same position,same potency,same quality or qualification,equality in quality,equally good,one and the same,it is the same either you use one or the other,qualitatively as good…etc. “AS GOOD AS one in the above mentioned group” does not refer to an ordinary conditioned soul under the control of the illusory energy, under the influence of the material modes of nature, does not refer to a kanistha or madhyama devotee. It refers to a siddha devotee like the nitya-siddha. AS GOOD AS means the same qualities as. The quality of the nitya-siddha,eternal associate of the Lord, ever liberated, is to be liberated,to be a siddha, to be situated in perfection, pure devotional service, pure love of Godhead,pure love for Kṛṣṇa. Someone is “as good as” the nitya siddha, ever liberated, means to have the same quality, to be a siddha,to be situated in perfection, pure devotional service, pure love of Godhead. AS GOOD AS one in the above mentioned group,means ALSO SIDDHA,in the same position,also perfect,also perfection. This is the meaning of as good as established by the language and used accordingly by Srila Prabhupada ... Someone who is not situated on the perfection,siddha,is “NOT AS GOOD AS” the nitya-siddha. But anyone who follows the principles of SUCH EVER LIBERATED PERSONS IS AS GOOD AS ONE IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED GROUP. The statements of THAKURA BHAKTIVINODE are AS GOOD AS scriptures because HE IS LIBERATED PERSON. A CONTRADICTION: If someone says that one who is not a siddha,who is a kanistha or a madhyama devotee,who is not situated in the perfection of pure love of God,who does not have the same quality as the nitya siddha devotee,still is “as good as” the nitya-siddha, this is an absurd statement,a contradiction. AS GOOD AS = SAME QUALITIES = SAME POSITION NOT SAME QUALITIES = NOT SAME POSITION = NOT AS GOOD AS. To say: NOT SAME QUALITIES = NOT SAME POSITION = AS GOOD AS, That is to say: NOT AS GOOD AS = AS GOOD AS A is B and A is not B Someone is “not as good as”,because does not have the same qualities, but it is said that at the same time in the same sense is also as good as. “CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS CANNOT BOTH BE TRUE IN THE SAME SENSE AT THE SAME TIME,e.g. the two propositions A is B and A is not B are mutually exclusive. Someone is NOT AS GOOD AS the nitya-siddha,and is AS GOOD AS the nitya- siddha,in the same sense at the same time. It is IMPOSSIBLE,it is NOT POSSIBLE, to predicate OF THE SAME THING,AT THE SAME TIME,and IN THE SAME SENSE, the absence and the presence of the same fixed quality. THREE FACTORS TO ANALYZE A CONTRADICTION: 1-OF THE SAME THING.2-AT THE SAME TIME.3-IN THE SAME SENSE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL EXAMPLES COMING FROM SRILA PRABHUPADA: Vanipedia categories: BG 14.26, Translation and Purport: “AS GOOD AS” KRSNA IN QUALITY, EQUALITY WITH KRSNA, QUALITATIVELY BECOME ONE WITH -THE SAME TRANSCENDENTAL POSITION WITH THE LORD, -ONE MUST QUALITATIVELY BECOME ONE WITH BRAHMAN. BY ATTAINMENT OF BRAHMAN, one does not lose his eternal Brahman identity as an individual soul. ……………………………………………………………………. SB 6.2.7-Vrndavana, September 10, 1975-Government and Guardians EQUAL = AS GOOD AS (from minute 1:50 to minute 2:34) Sometimes the Mayavadis, they say that Any name,either of Hari or any other demigod is EQUAL. No. That is not. That is namaparadha. If one thinks that the holy name of Hari is AS GOOD AS the name of other demigods, then it is namaparadha. That is not suddha-nama. So people are being misguided in that way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 6: AS GOOD AS = ONE AND THE SAME In His vaibhava-prakāśa feature, the Lord manifests Himself as Balarāma. The Balarāma feature is AS GOOD AS Kṛṣṇa Himself, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BEING that Kṛṣṇas bodily hue is blackish and Balarāmas is whitish. -the Govinda form and the Vāsudeva form are ultimately ONE AND THE SAME. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purport to Gaurangera Duti Pada -- Los Angeles, January 6, 1969: “Lord Caitanyas pastimes are ALSO AS much transcendental AS Lord Kṛṣṇas.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -“ONE CAN REACH “ALSO THE SAME POSITION AS” THE NITYA-SIDDHA,” (SB 7.9.7 -- Mayapur, February 27, 1977) Note: AS GOOD AS = ALSO THE SAME POSITION AS… ALSO THE SAME POSITION AS the nitya-siddha = AS GOOD AS the nitya-siddha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -“HE CAN ALSO BECOME MAHA-BHAGAVATA OR NITYA-SIDDHA,because originally everyone is nitya-siddha.” (SB 7.9.4 -- Mayapur, February 11, 1976) NOTE: “ALSO BECOME MAHA-BHAGAVATA OR NITYA-SIDDHA”=AS GOOD AS THE NITYA-SIDDHA,ALSO THE SAME POSITION AS THE NITYA-SIDDHA. -IS AS GOOD AS ONE IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED GROUP, -IS AS GOOD AS THE NITYA-SIDDHA DEVOTEE, -“ALSO THE SAME POSITION AS” -“ALSO BECOME MAHA-BHAGAVATA OR NITYA-SIDDHA” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB 1.16.6 Lord Kṛṣṇa and His devotees are both on the transcendental plane; therefore the topics of Lord Kṛṣṇa and of His pure devotees are EQUALLY GOOD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purport to Gaurangera Duti Pada -- Los Angeles, January 6, 1969: NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN = AS GOOD AS The gaura-maṇḍala means the place in West Bengal wherein Lord Caitanya had His pastimes. So Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura says, One who understands that there is NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN this part of the country with Vṛndāvana, tāra haya vraja-bhūmi vāsa, it is AS GOOD AS one lives in Vṛndāvana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EITHER YOU CHANT HARE KRSNA OR SITA RAM, ,IT IS THE SAME . SB 6.2.8 -Vrndavana, September 11, 1975 So Hare Krsna and Hare Rama. Therefore it is enjoined by the sastra, Chant these two names: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So Rama and Krsna is the Supreme Lord, and Hare means Hara. So Hara means the potency, pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord, Hara. It is addressed as Hare. So Hare Krsna means Radha-Krsna, and Hare Rama means Sita-Rama. So EITHER YOU CHANT HARE KRSNA OR SITA RAM, ,IT IS THE SAME . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CC Madhya 4.77, Translation and Purport: QUALITATIVELY AS GOOD AS= BEING IDENTICAL QUALITATIVELY AS GOOD AS KRSNA = BEING IDENTICAL WITH HIM, -Before the food was offered, it was something else, -but after it is offered the food acquires A TRANSCENDENTAL QUALITY. Because the Lord is pūrṇa, He remains the same even after eating. Pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate (Īśo Invocation). -THE FOOD OFFERED TO KRSNA IS QUALITATIVELY AS GOOD AS KRSNA; -just as Kṛṣṇa is avyaya, indestructible, THE FOOD EATEN BY KRSNA,BEING IDENTICAL WITH HIM,remains as before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB 1.10.20, Purport: -THE SONGS by Ṭhākura Narottama dāsa -to be AS GOOD AS Vedic mantras. There are songs of Ṭhākura Narottama dāsa, one of the ācāryas in the Gauḍīya-sampradāya, composed in SIMPLE BENGALI LANGUAGE. But Ṭhākura Viśvanātha Cakravartī, another very learned ācārya of the same sampradāya, has approved THE SONGS by Ṭhākura Narottama dāsa to be AS GOOD AS Vedic mantras. And this is so because of THE SUBJECT MATTER. THE LANGUAGE IS IMMATERIAL, but THE SUBJECT MATTER IS IMPORTANT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We need to know the correct meaning of words to have a correct understanding of the statements of Srila Prabhupada. Studying and analyzing these standar expressions used on countless ocassions by Srila Prabhupada we can understand without doubts the correct meaning and thus not be confused by misinterpretation on essentials issues of Krishna consciousness. Vanipedia categories is a very good tool to study any and every subject.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:42:35 +0000

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