AS I SEE IT... People today are of the mindset that the events of - TopicsExpress


AS I SEE IT... People today are of the mindset that the events of the Old and New Testaments all happened back in the Biblical days of human history. They fail to grasp the awesome truth that we are still living in Biblical days. They never ended. What will yet happen on the face of this earth in the years to come has already been prophesied and penned in the Bible. There remain things written in the Bible, in both the New an Old Testaments, that are yet to come to pass. The Bible clearly says that God will not do anything without revealing His plans to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7) and all prophecy in the Bible is directly from God (2Peter 1:19-20) The Bible deals with the history of mans world from the beginning, across historical time and into our present time and forward until the very end of time as we understand it. We are living RIGHT NOW in Biblical days. Although the Biblical prophets have long since passed from our world, what they wrote lives on just as relevant today as it was in the day it was written. If we take into consideration the fact that every single prophecy in the Bible of events which have already happened exactly as they were predicted in the Bible hundreds or thousands of years before they happened, such as for example how the world empires and kingdoms came and went since Daniel interpreted the golden head image to the king of Babylon about 2500 years ago, right up to the division of the Roman empire into what is today Europe, even including the remnant of the Roman empire in Europe, represented by the Roman Catholic church (the iron mixed with clay divided empire). Also the prophecy by Isaiah where he named Cyrus, a king of Persia, 150 years before Cyrus became king. Add to this the prophecy in Daniel 9, of the exact time, to the day, that Jesus would enter Jerusalem as the Messiah and that He would be killed in Jerusalem, 480 years before it actually happened . There are many more prophesies of events which have already happened, including the destruction of Israel 70 AD, and the restoration of Israel as a nation, which happened in 1948, and also the prophecy in Daniel 8 about the resurgence of the Persian empire in the last days. Biblical Persia is present day Iran, and the Iranian revolution in 1979 catapulted the whole land of ancient Persia back onto the Global political stage. The Iranian Revolution inspired an exponential rise of Islamic fundamentalist sentiment against the west which began to blow with increasing velocity across the middle east and the larger Islamic world. Since then, the middle east has been in turmoil with wars between virtually all the countries in the region and the subsequent rise of Al Qaeda, and now more recently ISIS., and Iran is an active political driving force in this phenomenon. Iran is Biblical Persia and, in retrospect, we can now see that the emergence of Iran as a world power, and the current growing global threat posed by radical Islam, is prophesized in the book of Daniel, which Daniel also said that this prophecy concerned the end times. The prophetic seal on the book of Daniel is unsealing right before our very eyes. There are also many other prophesies of events yet to happen, concerning the end times, and these are fast starting to happen, virtually on a daily basis. Jesus also told His disciples what would be the signs of the end times. Luke 21:25-26 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. It is no coincidence that the Middle East is in absolute turmoil, it is no coincidence that radical Islam has become the global terror threat; it is no coincidence that Iran is threatening to wipe the nation of Israel off the map; and it is no coincidence that Israel exists as a nation, once again back in most of the very same Biblical land that God promised Abraham thousands of years ago. None of this is coincidence; it is the fulfilling and unfolding of Gods Words and setting of the stage for the fulfilment of the coming events written about in the book of Revelation. I believe that these events have already started to take place, and the coming of the Lord Jesus for His Church is just around the corner, as it is written in the Bible, and I pity all those who will be left behind to face the wrath of the lawless one, when he will be let loose on earth to cause even more destruction and desolation throughout the whole earth, for a period of tribulation upon the whole earth, as it has never happened on earth before, just as Jesus warned us about. Jesus said that if those days had not been shortened by God, no one would have been able to survive (Matthew 24). But thank God that it is also written that when the time for the lawless one is up, Jesus comes back to defeat him and to establish his Kingdom of righteousness on earth. Therefore, I besiege you, to trust in what the Bible says concerning all the events that are about to take place (on the basis of all the prophesies which already came to pass), and come to Jesus NOW, so you can be part of the ones who will escape the terrible times that are about to come upon the earth. Trust in the Bible, it has been proven true over and over again. Regarding the many prophesies concerning the signs in the heavens, as signs for the end times, look at the attached video. Very interesting. https://youtube/watch?v=ARXkFjLh5UU
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:29:28 +0000

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