AS PREDICTED, EMIR SANUSI DROPS THE SUIT HE FILED AGAINST THE PRESIDENT As predicted in an earlier post on this group, it would be highly unlikely that the new Emir would continue his lawsuit against the President of Nigeria given his current status. The Emir has just discontinued his suit. This should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with legal disputes. There are many reasons why a person may not want to use the court to settle a particular dispute however serious the issues are. It is totally unprecedented that an Emir would be a party opponent to the President in a court of law. The elevation of Sanusi was clearly an end to any such lawsuit pending. Even me, Emeka Ugwuonye, as an example, if I were to become a holder of public office, I would necessarily drop my lawsuits against the Government. And if those lawsuits are too important to me, I would refuse to accept or to seek public office. This is why many victims of the Government choose to suffer in silence. ___________________________ MAIN STORY The new Emir of Kano, His Highness Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Mr. Sanusi had dragged the federal government before a Federal High Court in Abuja to challenge his suspension as the governor of CBN The Emir of Kano and former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Lamido Sanusi, has dropped the suit against the federal government challenging his suspension from office. President Goodluck Jonathan had on February 20 suspended Mr. Sanusi from his position as governor of the CBN over allegations of financial recklessness. In the Notice of Discontinuance dated July 1, 2014, and filed same day, Mr. Sanusi’s lawyers informed the court of his intention to discontinue the matter. Mr. Sanusi had sued the federal government at a Federal High Court in Abuja challenging his suspension. Joined in the suit as defendants were President Goodluck Jonathan, the Attorney General of the Federation, and the Inspector General of Police. In their counter affidavit, the defendants had argued that the Federal High Court lacked jurisdiction in the matter since it was a labour-related suit that fell under the purview of the National Industrial Court. In his ruling, Justice Gabriel Kolawole upheld the submissions of the counsel to the President, Fabian Ajogwu, and that of the Counsel to the Attorney General of the Federation, Mike Ozekhome. Rather than dismiss the case outright, the court instead invoked section 24 of the National Industrial Court Act 2012 and ordered that the case be transferred to the National Industrial Court since the issues raised bothered on labour matters. In transferring the case, Justice Kolawole said that in line with sections 251 and 254 of the 1999 constitution, the CBN was a creation of the National Assembly, and Mr. Sanusi was a public officer. The Judge further held that since Mr. Sanusi was an employee of the CBN by virtue of the CBN Act No 7 of 2007, he was a public servant whose appointment was a labour related matter that could be properly adjudicated upon by the industrial court. Mr. Sanusi’s decision to withdraw the case comes after months of deep animosity between him and President Goodluck Jonathan. After he emerged the Emir of Kano, he asked the President for forgiveness so he could gain access to his palace which was blocked by police.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:10:37 +0000

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