AS-SINDIDI In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most - TopicsExpress


AS-SINDIDI In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful O Allah! I beseech in the name of the Elected (Mohamed), the Noble and Generous, and in the name of your Friend Abraham, O Allah! In the name of Your Interlocutor, Moses, and in the names of Salih, Khadir, Chouaib and Ismael, O Allah! In the name of Solomon, Noah, Jonah, Yasaha, Zakariya, John, and Hud, O Allah! In the name of Aaron, Joshua, Elias, Adam, David, Zhul Kifl, Jesus, Loth; O Allah! In the name of Joseph, Isaac and the rest of the prophets and apostles, who belong unto You, O Allah! In the names of all angels, in the name of their chief, Gabriel, in the name of Michael, o Allah! In the name of the Trumpet Blower, Israfil and in the name of the angel of death, Israel, O Allah! In the name of the companions of the Prophet, then in the name of the saints and the honorable doctors of Islamic law, O Allah! By the Truthful {Abu Bekr}, By the Separator of Right and Wrong {Umar}, by the man of the two lights {Uthman}, by the father of the prophet’s saint grand sons {Ali}, O Allah! By malik bin Anaas the most Distinguished, by Mohamed Bin Idris, by Abu Manifa, by Ahmad Bin Man’ Hal the Dignified, O Allah! By the Sacred Table and the Sacred Pen, by the Sacred Throne, O Allah! By the Koran, the Torah, the Psalms of David and the Gospel of Jesus-the spirit; O Allah! O you my Lord, bestow your Divine Light upon the Prophet Mohamed, his spouses, his loved ones and his companions, on my behalf; O Allah! Lord! Bestow upon us, a veil of good health, satisfy our wishes here and in the hereafter. O Allah! Open all gates of favors that You only open for the men of virtue. O Allah! Put us on the Right path; Preserve us from stumbling, Chase Satan and other evil creatures away. O Allah! Make us obtain what we desire; help us attain our goals; Help us make good choices. O Allah Make easy what is difficult and complicated. Solve our problems. O Allah! Grant us a long life; Give us a strong health; Show us the Right Path and the Road to felicity. O Allah! Dominate the enemies who want to harm us before they attain us. O Allah! O Allah! Be our protector against what brings forth death; Preserve us from all kinds of woes. O Allah! Preserve us from disasters, from earthquakes, from unhappiness and poverty. O Allah! Preserve us from degradation, from penuries, from defeats, from misery, from hunger and thirst. O Allah! Preserve us from epidemics, fires, drowning, from tornadoes, from theft and pains. O Allah! Preserve us from heat, cold, calamities, lootings, revenge, perdition and sorrow. O Allah! Preserves us from the insects, the sins, stumbling, and the libelous, from the monsters, O Allah! Preserve us from insanity, leper, and physical handicaps. O Allah! Preserve us from the ugliness of this world and of the hereafter. O Allah! O you the Omnipotent! O you who sit on an immense Throne! O Allah! I beg You to bless me with a useful knowledge; give me humility and a pure heart. O Allah! Accept my repentance and elevate my soul. Give me a pious and virtuous wife. O Allah! Be He, who will protect me against the evil of the Jealous, the mischief of the evil whisperer, from the mischief of the envier when he envies. O Allah! Be my refuge against the evil of the magic, against the evil of the Jinn, and other venomous creatures. O Allah! I trust in You, You are a safe shelter in the here and in the hereafter. O Allah! Abandon not me, I will perish. Be there for me every time I cry for help. O Allah! When I die, make my heart and tongue say your Name. O Allah! Make my death be a source of rest and joy. O Allah! Take good care my body when my soul abandons me. O Allah! Be my aid and companion when I will be interred. O Allah! Do not envelop me what is frightening, protect me against what I fear. O Allah Save me, save all Muslims, save my mother. Ameen. O Allah! Forgive us, forgive my mother. Hide our vices. Be a Kind to us and to her. O Allah Do not punish us; do no punish her for her sins. She has no one but You. O Allah! In the tomb and on the Day of Judgment; Be our shield. Save us from distress. O Allah Do not put my mother through a hardship she cannot endure; Do not break my hope. O Allah! Allow her to drink in the fount of abundance that you have created for the Elected (Mohamed)! O Allah! It is He, who guided mankind unto the right path; He, who vanquished the infidels; He who helped the God-fearing believers. O Allah! I named Mohamed, The Seal of the elected, our guide to the eternal Paradise on the day of the gathering. O Allah! Bestow all blessings forever upon Him, and upon those who follow him. O Allah!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:18:06 +0000

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