AS-SUNNAH Al-MU-AKKADAH: QUESTION : From Br Manzoor - TopicsExpress


AS-SUNNAH Al-MU-AKKADAH: QUESTION : From Br Manzoor Ahmad salam Molana kia sunnat e moakkada jaan bhooj kar ham chore sakta hain? ANSWER: No, you can not leave them intentionally. According to FUQAHAA ( Jurists), THERE are two(2) kinds of SUNNAH. 1- AS-SUNNAH AL-MUAKKADAH: This means emphasized SUNNAH. This is also called SUNNAH MUTAWATARAH, Which means a regular SUNNAH, which our believed Rasool(saws) did most often, but left some times. You/we can not leave these SUNAN, you must try to do always, if you do not have a VALID excuse, otherwise You/we may be blamed, questioned, insulted etc on the day of judgement, though you/we may not be Placed in the hell like in the case of Fardh. Like 2+2or 4+ 2+2 Rakaah in Fajr, Zuhr, MAGHRIB and ISHAA respectively. ( Total 8 or 10 on a regular daily Basis). 2- GHAIR MUKKADAH: This means Non-emphasized SUNNAH. This is also called Ghair Mutawaatarah. Which means an irregular SUNNAH, Which Rasool (saws) did occasionally. This is also called NAFL, Mandoob, Mustahabb, and Mustah-sun. We may leave these Sunan even without a VALID excuse. Like the SUNNAH before ASR, 2 Rakaah after Azaan of MAGHRIB before Fardh. ALLAHU AALAMU BIS SAWAAB.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:02:22 +0000

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