AS THE RECESSION LOOMS IN THE HORIZON ONCE AGAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF FOCUSING ON IRANS NUCLEAR THREAT AND THE NEED TO RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE IS OVERSHADOWED BY ONE MANS QUEST TO DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT TAKES PRECEDENCE AS PROMISED FREE AND FRESHLY PASTEURIZED MILK; ALL IN AMPLE SIZED MORSELS FREE-OF-CHARGE,GLUTEN FREE,TAX FREE,SUBSCRIPTION FREE; AND ALL FROM THE BRAIN IN THE FORTIFIED BUNKER OF THE TRUE RESISTANCE. DRINK MY CHILDREN DRINK ON! Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2013 newdawncommunications.blogspot/ newdawnmedia.wordpress/ FOR WE STRUGGLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD All nations shall tremble at the sound of His Name! ONE: THE HISTORY AND VOLATILITY OF THE IRANIAN LEADERSHIP OVER THE PAST 30 YEARS ALONG WITH ITS IN-YOUR- FACE HOSTILITY TOWARDS ISRAEL REVEALS THAT THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH ADVANCED LEVEL NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY CAPABLE OF DESTABILIZING THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST. TWO: AMERICA IS STILL REBOUNDING FROM ONE OF THIS NATIONS WORST ECONOMIC DISASTERS SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION. WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS UNEMPLOYED, THE TIGHT CREDIT CRUNCH, THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS FROM RUNAWAY COST OF LIVING EXPENDITURES. WHY HAS PRESIDENT OBAMA NOT CHAMPIONED FOR THE RAISING OF THE MINIMUM WAGE. EVEN THOUGH TENS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS BELIEVE ITS TIME TO DO SO? I waited till the smoke cleared from the Republicans childish display of partisan politics in closing down the government to post these comments out of respect for the nations chief executive officer. A Facebook ad reported the president as having said that Iran is a year from a nuclear bomb. Well, anyone that ever read my columns and notes here and elsewhere knows that I just couldnt sit still without replying. Mr. President if you really do believe that Iran is a year from a nuclear bomb? Doesnt by the fact that you may have made that statement ring bells in your head? What if Iran cuts it short by a few months and surprises everyone including you and produces a nuclear blast that shakes apart the entire Middle Eastern playing field. By placing itself on equal footing with its neighbors along with North Koreas communist regime? All along its borders Israel is facing shelling, verbal attacks and assaults, threats and continued bigotry and unrest from many whom their own Arab counter parts refuse to aide and or support. A people who have been used as a thorn against the backs of all Israelis yet, whom other Arabs shun and by all facts have refused to provide with adequate humanitarian assistance. Iran has supported their unrest and insurrection against Israel for decades in effect as a human shield or better said perhaps as its unofficial left flank in the event of an all out assault against Gods Promised Land. I would hesitate to think what God has in store but, based on historical facts it wont be pretty for those who come against Israel. My gut concern is why wait a year and find out what you already said you know? You know in America millions upon millions are day-by-day living the lives of nomads or better said indentured servants. Just getting by having to live with the meager minimum wages they are paid; which, brings in very little to the family table and makes many have to exist on rations. Poor middle class families including single parent households and even those who are just trying to support themselves suffer the tragedy of a nation and a government led by no less those they believed would champion their causes. Especially, when it comes to adequate nutrition and a minimum wage that keeps in step with the tragic state of affairs and oppressive disparity that exists; between those who earn slaves wages over those who live and love the life of luxury. Yet, who for the most part support those on the opposite side of the aisle who could care less! So once again Mr. President would you humor us; the hundreds of millions of middle class constituents, the poor under classes, the infirmed and physically disparaged. Who wonder year after year why you wont tell us what you think about this subject or what you or the Democratic establishment is going to do. In a concrete and realistic way, please? This is your next challenge. This is the cornerstone of your administrations underpinning legacy and furthermore the chance to hurdle this nation forward by rewarding the majority of its citizens; both young and old. The physically able and or physically challenged into an era where no force on earth can stop it from returning it to the glory and status of being the shinning crown of global opportunity, equality, and justice for all. What justice is there when you turn your back on the needy, the millions of unfairly underpaid middle classes, the physically and mentally challenged, single moms and dads and those struggling on their own? What justice is there when one side of the aisle refuses to pass laws that will help support the very same people their special interest partners and constituents hire and fire every day without any job protections, meager wages, adequate health benefits, or any long term job security. Democrats on the other hand fought long and hard to get to the White House and you Mr. President should think long and hard about the needs of those Ive mentioned above. Think about what your party is ready to do today? A party who has fought long and hard on many occasions in the past to champion the causes which have made this party; the main fabric of this nations social justice consciousness, is the force behind your underpinning legacy and cornerstone, and the envy of so many globally. But, as you embark on putting pen to paper on the final chapters of your presidential legacy. Please dont let it be said of the other tens of millions of Americans who work long and hard for what meager wages they receive and who believed in you and -also- fought long and hard to put you in office; that your presidency thought less of them. JRH-2013 NDMH John R Hernandez, Jr. ©
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:08:22 +0000

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