AS WE THINK ABOUT A BABY THIS EVENING ... “The BABY GIRL LAY NEAR DEATH, critically injured in an automobile accident. She desperately NEEDED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION, but no one could be found who shared her rare blood type. In the midst of their frantic search the doctors discovered that her SEVEN YEAR OLD BROTHER KEVIN had the RIGHT TYPE OF BLOOD. Anxious to proceed, one of the doctors sat down with Kevin to seek his permission. ‘Your sister is very sick and if we dont help her, shes not going to live,’ he said softly. ‘ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE YOUR BLOOD to help your baby sister? Kevin SEEMED TO STRUGGLE with his answer, his face turned pale. After a few moments, he said, YES, I WILL. Kevin’s countenance was sad as he quietly WATCHED his blood flow through the tube. ‘Were almost finished,’ the doctor smiled encouragingly. Kevins eyes filled with tears as he looked up at the doctor and whispered, ‘HOW LONG TIL I DIE?’ Gazing at him in amazement, the DOCTOR REALIZED that KEVIN THOUGHT he had been asked to GIVE ALL HIS BLOOD to save his sister. The doctor hugged him and explained that because of his courage, they would both live. Yet, we are left with THIS CONCLUSION: That brave little boy had believed that HIS ACT OF MERCY for his sister would cost him his life. Still ... HE WAS WILLING TO DO IT!” Bill Bright •••••••••• This sweet story from Bill Bright, is an extraordinary parallel to these words from the Bible: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” (1 John 3:16 NIV) May this be a wonderful Christmas-holiday for YOU ... abundant in Godwinks and Acts of Kindness. SQ
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:50:00 +0000

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