AS YOU CAN SEE GUYS, I NO LONGER POST ON MY PAGE ABOUT ISIS/IS/ISIL OR DAESH ( As most Arabs call them) ANYMORE. WHY? BECAUSE......ER....ER....PLEASE READ THIS!!!I have had many questions in the past, asking me if I support ‘ISIS’ or not. The people that ask such questions are none other than Muslims looking for grounds to hate on someone. It has become such that if anyone utters the name ‘ISIS’, they will most likely get vile comments thrown at them, again, by the very arrogant Muslims that we live among us. I will start off by saying that everything and anything that we know of ISIS is through the western media, or media that is funded by the west. The media spoon feeds us whatever fabricated stories they make up, and we welcome it with our ignorance. I will give you a prime example: Everyone is aware about what is happening in Palestine. For a fact we know that the Palestinians are the oppressed and the Israelis are the oppressors. If a random Joe uses a western news outlet as their source, they will surely and most definitely sympathise with Israel. The news also shows the Israelis as the victims of war, always. Let’s accommodate a Muslim into this story of ours. Just say there’s Ahmed. Ahmed is a fairly bright student and a very dedicated Muslim. Ahmed decides to educate himself about what is going on in the Middle East. He uses the mainstream media as his source(s). Ahmed will surely hate and be against anything that the media influences him to hate. Considering in mind, both of these individuals have had no introduction to the Palestine – Israel conflict before, just by using the News, they will surely be brainwashed. The other thing I must stress is that we, Muslims in the west, reside in nations that have Islam-fearing and Islam-hating governments. We are much more vulnerable to think as they think, to talk as they talk and to do as they do. Our minds could easily be manipulated; anyone that goes against their agenda will be shown hostility and be labeled a ‘Terrorist’ Since we are on this topic, why doesn’t anybody remember when Bashar (the Dog) killed more than 100,000 innocent people? Instead they’re more interested in knowing who I support (which will not benefit them in any way shape or form). Where were you all when my Sunni sisters were being raped in turns? Where were you when my Sunni brothers were slaughtered and tortured in ways you cannot imagine? Yep, you were all at home, wishing there would be a miracle. The miracle did happen and it was in the form of the Mujahideen. The very same Mujahideen, whose name you now curse. I would like to make it clear that I am NOT supporting nor am I AGAINST the group ISIS. This is because I simply do not know much about them. I do not have any opinion on them. Also I do not like the term ‘ISIS’ because this term has had so much dirt forced upon it, and it has ‘Islam’ embedded in its name to decrease the popularity of this beautiful religion. My reply will focus more around the facts and logics of the conflict. I will not speak of anything that I do not know of. ISIS is made up of ‘Mujahids’ (plural), a group of Mujahids make up ‘Mujahideen’. A ‘Mujahid’ is someone who carries out ‘Jihad’, Jihad is ‘to struggle’, may it be in the path of God, or in a path that will test you emotionally, mentally and physically. Each Mujahid has his own story of why he is carrying out Jihad, and to class them all as rampaging animals or ‘un-Islamic’ would not be very smart of you or anyone else. But I fear that the international symbol of a Mujahid is being scrutinised by those furthest away from Islam. Some of these Mujahids have left their families and their comfortable lives to protect the oppressed. They are there for good intentions. Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for.” The 100,000 innocent people that Bashar and his pigs have killed (& continue to do so), all had families and close friends. These families and friends will not sit by and brush everything over their shoulder, they will want revenge. Imagine if your mother or sister was raped and tortured in front of you by so-called ‘Muslims’. What would you do? I know exactly what you would do. As a comparison, majority of the Taliban in Afghanistan are nothing but local farmers who have lost their family members due to NATO airstrikes. When they stand up against the tyrants, they are labeled as a ‘Terrorist’. 20,000 - 25,000 Afghans have lost their lives in the recent War on Terror. I have lost count of how many times Britian has tried to invade Afghanistan but have lost all the time. Where is the logic? The question should not be: Do you support ISIS? As both sides could give you reasons that could possibly justify THEIR reasons. The question should be: How would you by knowing whether if someone supports them or not will reserve you a place in Jannah? To end this reply, all I know is that I love Islam and that I wish peace upon everyone. I do not discriminate against any religion, or any sub division of any religion. An individual should be held responsible for their own actions; their actions should not represent their religion. Instead of causing further disputes between sects, we should all bathe in knowledge and make informed decisions to bring peace, and to speak the truth always. I do not support any group, nor do I wish to support any group. The only thing closest to a group that I do support is the more than 1.6 billion strong group of Muslims.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:35:21 +0000

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