AS YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE . . . . . . THINK ABOUT THE TIME REFERENCES OF GENESIS 40 In particular, think about different time references in your life. Here on earth, life is time and time is life. When we leave this earth, we will no longer be regulated by time but until then . . . We need to schedule our time and use our time wisely. There are things we do in the morning and other stuff we do in the evening, etc. Do you remember the time when . . .? The time references mentioned in Genesis 40 are: Vs.1 - after Joseph had been in prison for some time Vs.4 - a season Vs. 5 - one night Vs. 7 - today Vs. 20 - Pharoah’s birthday I haven’t studied “TODAY” in a while. Today is precious! A lot of people will waste today and a lot more will never have the privilege to see today. What are we going to do with today? I know that probably about 40,000 Baylor Bear fans will be going to the football game today. I know most of us will work today. Some will be going to the doctor today. Others will be sleeping today because of working long hours last night. The question is, what does The LORD have for us to do today? I know that in 2Corinthians 6 the Bible says that today is the day of salvation for those who are not saved! I know The LORD wants you to be saved today if you are not saved. What does The LORD want you to do today if you are saved? As we think about our day today, we have three to-do lists. First, the things The LORD wants us to do. Second, the things we have to do. Third, the things we want to do. Here’s what I’ve noticed in my life: If I will do what The LORD wants me to do and what I have to do before I do what I want to do, I usually always have enough time and money to do the things I want to do. But, If I go ahead and do what I want to do and what I have to do before I do what The LORD wants me to do, I never have enough time and money to do what The LORD wants me to do! So, it’s a priority issue. The problem with this is that The LORD is not a priority but rather He is preeminence. Preeminence means priority in every priority, first of the firsts! I know you have to work, you have to eat, you have to spend time driving to and fro, you have to shower, etc. I know there are things we have to do today. I know there are things we want to do today like go to a football game, watch tv, play golf, go on a date, etc. But, I also know that there are things The LORD wants us to do today as well. We have a choice every today. It’s said of Joshua, Noah, Moses and other great men that they did ALL The LORD commanded them to do! At the end of today it really doesn’t matter if we get to do what we want to do. What really matters if we want to make today count for Christ is if at the end of today we can say, “We did all The LORD wanted me to do today.” The truth is, when we make sure to do what The LORD wants us to do today, usually, we will have plenty of time and money to do the things we want to do! This is how generous our God is when we put Him first! Remember, God didn’t want Isaac, He wanted more of Abraham. When God has more of us, we get to keep and enjoy what we want to enjoy, usually, most of the time! This has really helped me today. I hope this has helped you as well. Have a great day! I want to personally invite you to our LIFE BIBLE STUDY on Sunday mornings at 9:50am in the Gym at Parkview Baptist Church. This coming Sunday (November 10th), we will be studying Genesis 40. Hope to see you there! - Bro. Joey
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:46:24 +0000

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