AS YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY . . . . . . THINK ABOUT “HOW TO LIVE WITH YOUR EMOTIONS.” I wanted to have you think about something today about living with our emotions. How does a person deal with their emotions without Christ? Isn’t this where murder comes into play? Isn’t the natural way for an unsaved person to deal with anger is to murder? What about rape, theft, drunkedness, and suicide? In 1Corinthians 6:9-20, the Apostle Paul says that these church members in Corinth used to be drunkards, thieves, abusers of themselves, revilers, murderers, etc. but they had been washed, sanctified, and justified by Christ. Paul goes on to say that all things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient. What he means by this is I can allow my emotions to get the best of me and hurt myself or others OR I can remember I am a Christian and let Christ control me instead of my emotions. I was saved when I was 16 years old and I have been saved for 31 years. One of the problems I face each day is that my emotions didn’t get saved. My flesh didn’t get saved. So now, when I feel angry, covetous, or hopeless, I now have a choice about what I’m going to do. Before salvation, I only could do what these emotions led me to do which was very wrong but now that I’m saved and when I have these unsaved feelings, I remember that I’m saved and I try to do what Christ expects me to do as a saved man. This is the great battle that Paul spoke about in Romans 7. I know it’s a battle to keep our emotions in check as a Christian, but can you remember back before you were saved? It was almost an impossibility to do the right thing when it came to our emotions. I want to encourage all of us to always try and look to the Lord and respond biblically when we are dealing with negative emotions instead of reacting impulsively like we used to before we met Christ. I hope this helps you! Have a great day! I want to personally give you an invitation to our LIFE BIBLE STUDY on each and every Sunday mornings at 9:50am in the Gym at Parkview Baptist Church. This Sunday (September 29th), we will be studying the subject, “How To Live With Your Emotions.” Bro. Dan Souders will be leading our Bible Study this coming Sunday. Bro. Dan is a faithful member of Parkview Baptist Church and he attends our Life Bible Studies. Bro. Dan is a manager in the Dillard’s Shoe Department here in Waco, Texas and is also a licensed counselor with a certification in anger management. I believe Bro. Dan has just the knowledge of information that we need in dealing with this very relevant issue of our day and time and he will be sharing this with us. Hope to see you there! - Bro. Joey
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 18:49:47 +0000

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