AS YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY . . . . . . THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF GENESIS 31 In particular, think about the people in your life. There is nothing more important in life than the people you invite into your life or those who come into your life uninvited. Nonetheless, they become a part of your life and an influence in your life. People are either a blessing or a burden; some are both. Take some time and think about people who you are a part of their life and ask yourself the question, “am I a blessing to them or a burden?” The people mentioned in Genesis 31 are: Vs. 1 – Jacob, Laban, Laban’s sons Vs. 3 – The LORD, Isaac, Abraham, Jacob’s ancestors Vs. 4 – Rachel, Leah Vs. 11 – the angel of God Vs. 17 – Jacob’s wives and children Vs. 23 – Laban’s male relatives and servants (brethren) Vs. 53 – Nahor The person that catches my attention is Nahor in verse 53. Nahor was Abraham’s brother and Laban is the descendant of Nahor while Jacob is a descendant of Abraham. So, in reality, Jacob and Laban were distant cousins but there was someone who joined them together much stronger than being blood relatives! The Bible uses the term the God of Abraham, the God of Nahor, the God of their father. Although Jacob came from Abraham and Laban came from Nahor, they both served the same God! Jacob and Laban came to the conclusion that it is ridiculous for them to be at odds with one another because they are serving the same God. They are both going to stand before the same God and give an account of their individual lives! There should be no enmity between the two; they are on the same team; God’s team! Those who have one God should have one heart. Those that agree to worship and serve the same God should strive to agree on everything else. I’m not talking about Ecumenicalism. I’m talking about how we often get our eyes off the fact that we are on the same team and we start fighting amongst ourselves instead of engaging our real enemies! Those that serve the same God that I serve are not my enemies unless they choose to be. May I never choose to be the enemy of those who worship the same God that I worship? This does mean that we will agree on everything else but we can try to agree on everything else. We’re on the same team! When Jacob and Laban took time to talk instead of trying to cheat the other as Laban had done, and instead of just leaving without saying anything as Jacob had done, they started talking about their ancestors. They both realized that they both worshipped the same God as did Abraham and Nahor. Abraham and Nahor were brothers and they worshipped the same God as their father did. So when they traced back to their common ancestor Terah, they realized they were not only blood related but spiritually related as well. Maybe this truth can help us to try and get along with our family better and our church family as well and other Christians who serve the same God we serve! Ephesians 4 says that we are to “. . . forbear one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” I hope this has been a help and blessing to you! I would like to personally invite you to our LIFE BIBLE STUDY on Sunday mornings at 9:50am in the Gym at Parkview Baptist Church. This coming Sunday, (September 1st) we will be studying Genesis 31. Hope to see you there! - Bro. Joey
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:08:38 +0000

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