ASCENSION... QUESTION: The Course says that there is no - TopicsExpress


ASCENSION... QUESTION: The Course says that there is no death. And in some of your conversations you have spoken of the alternative of Ascension rather than the traditional death. Can you give us a discourse on this? ANSWER: You have already stated the fact quite succinctly. All I care to say at this moment is that each and every person who is hearing what I am saying is absolutely capable of moving beyond, let us say, this life experience by ascending. No one is at too primitive a level of development to not be able to leave except by dying. In other words, I want it to be perfectly clear that Ascension is possible in this lifetime. Do not assume that it is something for you to experience at a later lifetime, after there has been more spiritual growth. You must begin to think radically, now. As I said earlier, the only thing that limits you is your belief. The clear undistorted perception of Reality is available in only one place, and that is in the middle of the moment of conscious experience that each one of you is always in. It has nothing to do with time. Your freedom to move from here to any point in the universe, your ability to do it, is available at this moment and the only thing that keeps you from it is your belief. Your ability to ascend is available also. You must stop projecting your Awakening out on to some actual time-line that you believe exists, because all you do is delay your discovery of your present potential. Okay, that’s the end of the answer. QUESTION: Is that true for someone with so-called Alzheimer’s disease and with a fetus that is about to be aborted voluntarily? ANSWER: It is the possibility of course. What governs it, is the decision of the individuality and the belief structures that are being employed. QUESTION: Do you have a message for this group, at this moment, in this now? ANSWER: Only this: You are Whole, even though you are presently experiencing, let us say, but two percent of what you are in your Totality, your Totality is present and functioning flawlessly. The ninety-eight percent of your Self, which you are defending yourself against, is of course intent upon not being divided in any way. And so, it is constantly insinuating Itself through these ego structures that constitute the ego boundary. So, my message to you is, that your Being has a message for you. It has had, and it has constantly been goading you out of your limitation. And the only necessity there is, is for you to start actively listening. The moment you begin to listen, you are not energizing your defenses against your Awakening. You become in harmony with your Being. You can see in this way that each one of you is your own savior. That which you Divinely Are is what will save you from what you think you are. Do not look outside yourself. And when you think of the Holy Spirit, no longer think of it as a part of the trinity—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—as though it were in some way Divinely separate from you, but available to you to help you in your piteous trek to spirituality. This Holy spirit is your disowned Self, your rejected Self, which your ego sense has rejected. It is You that you are listening to and the Holy Spirits perfect wisdom is Your wisdom. And when you own it, when you allow it, then you discover that you are the Son that you had thought of as part of the trinity. And you will discover that the Son, is the Father in expression—absolute unity, Oneness, Indivisibility and therefore the total absence of conflict. And you won’t even talk about the Father and the Son, you will just Be what you Are and what you Are is just the Father Being All. I am not here to do anything for you. I am here to encourage you to dare to be like me, your Self, because there is no difference except in your belief. And you must dare to think well of yourself. And you must stop playing into the role of being this worthless nothing, that isn’t even supposed to eat the crumbs that fall from God’s table. Your place is at the table, it always has been. And you want to know something? You have been sitting at the table for Eternity, you haven’t stopped for an instant from being what you Divinely Are. But in your imagination you have dreamed many dreams and believed them. You don’t need a savior, you need to discover that YOU Are what you are looking for. You need to dare to own it. You need to dare to incorporate it. Okay that’s the end of the answer. And that strikes me as being an appropriate place to end. Thank you all for coming. ~excerpt from Conversations with Raj, (c) 1997 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress FaceBook:https://facebook/groups/183859725130360/ All of the activities of the Northwest Foundation for A Course In Miracles are provided without charge or obligation. This is possible because of thoughtfulness, love extended without conditions. Such is the nature of Gift. As a result these materials are available to you, because someone like you has already gifted you with them. And, at Rajs instruction, these materials will never be sold. If you would like to add your thoughtfulness and love, to gift others with the availability of these materials, please contact -----oOo-----
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:06:30 +0000

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