***ASHTAVAKRA GITA ,,,,,,, PUREST EXPRESSION OF TRUTH Neither Hold on to Anything Nor Reject Anything   Ashtavakra Gita is a very ancient Advaita Vedanta scripture, a dialogue between sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka on the nature of the Self, Reality and bondage.   It insists on *** the complete unreality of the external world    *** the Absolute Oneness of existence, and    *** does not prescribe any morality or duties. Ashtavakra, states..... - ones true identity, the Self, is not contained in objects, nor does any object exist in It. It is without form and can be found by simply recognising ones being as the Witness Self. Everything else is an illusion – the little self, the world, the universe. All these things arise with the thought I, the idea of separate identity. This little I invents the material world, which in our ignorance we strive to sustain. Forgetting our original Oneness, bound tightly in our imaginary separateness, we spend our lives mastered by a deceptive sense of purpose and value. - our true nature is pure and choiceless Awareness. We are already and always fulfilled. When you know this, desire melts away. Clinging to nothing, you become still. - The Knower is untouched within by good deeds or bad, just as space is not touched by smoke, however much it may appear to be. According to Ashtavakra......Rare is the man who knows Himself as the non-dual Lord of the world, and he who knows This is not afraid of anything. - Bondage, as he states is when the mind longs for something, grieves about something, rejects something, holds on to something, is pleased about something or displeased about something. - When there is no me, it is liberation, neither hold on to anything nor reject anything. - He who by nature is empty-minded, and who thinks of things only unintentionally, is freed from deliberate remembering like one awakened from a dream. - You are not the body, nor is the body yours, nor are you the doer of actions or the reaper of their consequences. You are eternally pure consciousness, the Witness in need of nothing – so live happily. - Recognising oneself in all beings, and all beings in oneself, be happy, free from the sense of responsibility and free from preoccupation with me. - Giving up such distinctions as He is what I am and I am not that, recognise that Everything is my Self and be without distinction and happy. - It is through your ignorance that all this exists. In reality, Self [you] alone exist. Apart from you there is no one within or beyond samsara. - Knowing that all this is just an illusion, one becomes free of desire, pure receptivity, and at peace, as if nothing existed. - Give up meditation completely, but dont let the mind hold on to anything. You are free by nature. - The knower of Truth is never distressed in this world, for the whole round world is full of Himself alone. Peace among all beings of the universe. ......OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. ......... _/\_OM NAMO RAMANAYA _/\_
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:07:34 +0000

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