ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU. The above words conotes a - TopicsExpress


ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU. The above words conotes a covenant! .the word of God shall stand for ever-Isaiah 40:8. However, Its unto everyman as he believes. Now, what is prayer? Prayer is a language of communication with God.Its one of the channels for receiving from God. Ye ask,and receive not,because ye ask amiss..-[James 4:3] Firstly.,its important to know that all of our needs are fringe benefits of Gods covenant unto us. And He has vowed by Himself never to brake it. God is not a man that should lie. But every covenant has a condition attached.,in accessing and attaining it fulfilment. The anchor laws that governs the covenant of asking and receiving from God.,can be understood through; DIVINE WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING-Isaiah :11:1-3.Exodus 4:17. Thus,the different between he that ask,and receive.,and he that ask and receive none,is nothing but understanding.[Please dont be deceived] God answers prayers. All we ever needed.,is the spirit of truth [Holy spirit] And all things,whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,believing, ye shall receive- Mathew 21:22. At this point,its a wise thing to know how to pray. But.,of a fact i tell you beloved readers.,there are various ways you can pray.,or get Gods attention. You will be amazed to know that sometimes all we ever needed to do in receiving answer to our prayers,is just by praying for someone in need around us.,then heavens pop-up opens!! I will share An amazing testimony to that effect later,if not on this post. Furthermore, If you know the mystery behind tithing and practice it wholeheartedly,,you will need not to ask heavens to open on you before they do. And also,If you understand the miracle power of praise.,you will know that,there are more to prayers. Until prayers begin and conclude with praises, the answer is not in view.[Act 4:30,Matt 6:9-13,Matt 21:8-14, 2Sam 6:14] The words of Bishop David Oyedepo; We must realize that in prayers,we plead for interventions,but we invoke divine intervention though praise. For instance,when daniel prayed,God heard him that day,but the prince of persia withstood the delivery of his answers for 21 days. Next; The people of judah only sang His praises right in the battle frontline and they had a sweatless war victory ever.! -2 cronicles 20:22-24. Lastly; Paul and silas were schedule for execution,but they praised their way out of the valley of death- Acts 16:26. Now.,very fast; WHAT DOES IT TAKES TO GET ANSWERS TO OUR PRAYERS. *You must be truly born again and be a lover of God-Matt 6;9,john 9;31. Only lovers qualify for His attention and blessings. Before we can receive anything worth having from God.,and enter into our rest., we have got to pass the Loving and the Giving-test.- Please read Mathew 25:32-46. *PRAY ACCORDING TO THE WORD-Matt 6:10,1 John 5:14-15, The word of God is the food by wich prayer is nourished. *PRAY FROM THE HEART- Jer 29:13. Before asking God in prayers.,do you really know what it takes to receive from Him.? *Come at His presence with worship-Psalm 100:4. *Go to Him with boldness-Heb 4:16. *Then with faith.-Hebrews 11:6.,Matt 21:21-22 *Be spiritual-John 4:24.,Rom 8:5-8. Being spiritual really matter and pays in getting answer to our prayers. I ll also share another awesome testimony to validate that. *Be fervent-Rom 12:11, *Be persistence-Luke 18:1. *Be expectant - Heb 11:6& Mark 11:24. Hindrances to payers are; Lack of faith,knowledge,understanding.,all form of sins and immoralities. To the very best of my knowledge,if theres any unanswered prayer without any of those above-mentioned hindrances,it might then be The Time lag [The framed time between sowing time,and harvest] which can not but happens for our own good. Please Understand the word Time lag by reading - Exodus 23:28-30.,Hebrews 10:36 Delay is never a denial Abraham staggered not at the promise of God-Rome 4:19-21. However, I ve got to know that.,many of our covenant blessings[which we sometimes tender in prayers].,answers not to prayers nor fasting.,take it,or leave it! Never to underestimate the power of prayer.,as i once quoted ; The kingdom of God,is kingdom full of many keys Prayer is one,praise is next.,giving is another,obedient is the greatest. The wisdom of prayer. Wrong key will never opens the right door. Knowing how to pray is being filled with the Holy spirit.,for we must expect God to speak to us on the key to the door that needs to be opened. Are you still there? After praying hard to rescue a dead baby back to life.,read the words of Mr Umoh john; My mother-inlaw and i prayed for over two hours but nothing happened. Then i heard in my spirit, if you pray and nothing happens,why dont you switch to praise?.Immediately, i switched to praise and God showed up. The baby who had died for three hours.,suddenly jerked back to life Thats the real wisdom.,ability to connect with the spirit of God. Many of us are long over-due to invite holy spirit into our lives.Only if you will ask [Ask,and it shall be given] Just as praising God works wonders,so is Giving. According to the scriptures,the giving covenant is a mystery that can address many of the needs of our lives. Please take ur bible and confirm ; Fringe benefits of Giving. *it averts curses-[Genesis 8:20-22] *it guarantees divine health-[Psalm 41:1-3] *it ensures divine protection-[Job 22:25,Psalm 20:1-3] *it averts plague-[2sam 24:24-25] *it guarantees supernatural fruitfulness-[Genesis 18:1-10,2 kings 4:1-.13] *it guarantees a debt-free life-[Psalm 112:1-3,37:33] *it guarantees longevity: All our covenant fathers enjoyed long life. Abraham,Isaac,jacob,after all the ordeals of Job the giver,he lived 140years more. Givers are Gods lovers,and those who loves God never lack gold.! In conclusion, theres need for Holy spirit [The shower] for proper guidance and direction into ordering our steps aright at every given point and stage of our lives. Onwards.,when you pray,praise,give,fast and obey,all without faith is nothing. Build your faith in God.,without faith is it impossible to please Him. Our giving among others secures special attention for us with God in attending to our requests and prayers. If faith is the key to accessing anything from God and enlarging our destines, its wisdom to invest in building our faith. Therefore, receive grace to take personal responsibility in building your faith and being always filled with the spirit of God. Remain highly inspired! Together., we inspire the world!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:04:03 +0000

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