ASK FOR BOLDNESS TO SHARE YOUR FAITH…. “I Pray that you may - TopicsExpress


ASK FOR BOLDNESS TO SHARE YOUR FAITH…. “I Pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ” – Philemon 1:6 The moment we meet Jesus for the first time, our lives are changed forever. It’s a moment we never forget. Why, then, is it so hard to introduce others to Him? After all, we understand the incredible effect knowing Jesus will have on their lives for all eternity. Jesus saves us and transforms our lives, and then He gives us the wonderful privilege of being a part of someone else’s salvation and transformation. But when we have an opportunity to speak to others about Him, we can be filled with Trepidation. For some of us, the pressure of wanting to be sure we say the right thing causes us to hesitate. We are afraid we might say something wrong, say it insensitively, or turn someone off entirely. We fear we might be rejected and not be a good representative of Christ. That’s why prayer in advance of that is crucial! The apostle Paul’s prayer is a model for us as believers and members of the family of God. Sharing our faith is a divine calling and is instrumental in furthering the work of God, but we can’t do it without God’s POWER. That’s why we need to pray for God’s enablement before we share our faith. We need to ask God to open up opportunities to talk about Jesus and to give us the ability to communicate His love in such a way that people can understand it and are attracted to it. Pray often that you will be able to share your faith whenever the opportunity presents itself and that you will have the perfect words to say. Pray for God to soften the hearts of those you speak to and open their ears and eyes so that their hearts can receive the truth!!! God, help me to get over nay inhibitions I have about sharing my faith with unbelievers. I know of no greater gift that to give someone Your love and the good news of salvation in Christ, but I always want to be sensitive to Your leading so that I don’t come off as insensitive to others. Help me to have a perfect sense of timing and the right words to say. AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:13:43 +0000

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