ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION. AS I HAVE BEEN RECENTLY ASKED. What Books have influence your thought pattern? TO my brother Modou Lamin Sambou I considered all the books that I have read as well considered all the research that I have been exposed. Only one book comes to mind. THE TEACHING OF JESUS CHRIST . In my opinion he/she was the first revolutionary of Power to the People . His/Her message as well as the purpose has been diminished through religious dogma and theological pretense, but his/her message is clear: We are all the Children of the Most High and that we fight against not flesh and blood, but against a spirit of evil. We may define that evil or rather misconstrue that evil anyway we chose, but it is an evil that is against the unity of men/women on the bases of Love, Compassion and Mercy. Do unto your brother as one would have done onto oneself . I am not a religious man, but truth does not need religion, religion needs truth. Truth is can be hard to define or know, especially when it is held within the boundaries or discovery based in our self fulfilling schematic, unless and until we look upon truth through the eyes of a child who has yet not discovered the world of Vanity or been introduce to his selfish desires and needs. One does not have to conceal him or her self in a monastery or hide in the crevice or a gave, but one must divorce oneself from this worlds interpretation of wealth and the illusion of ownership. What can one own in the grave, except the memories of his existence. Steve Jobs will only be remembered for his inventions and soon his memory shall fade with the invention that makes his invention obsolete. Henry Ford prestige and wealth was silenced in the Grave. The Wealth of Christ, despite the Churches misconstruction and misdirection of that message has endured for over two thousand yrs. I question: Who remains the wealthiest of all: Steve Jobs, Henery Ford or Christ. Which shall remain another two thousand yrs. in the memory of the world. Many of us are still awaiting his miraculous return in the flesh, because of our religions indoctrination, but the greatest sin of the people was they asked for miracles as proof of his divine mission. Here is a truth. Christ did not die due too the sins of man, Christ died to free men from sin. Sin of the Church and that of the State. Both of which he stood against. This line of thinking has changed my perspective and projectory. I no longer look at men/women as sinful I look upon each as the product of divine mercy, and it is that mercy that shall deliver us, not the return of flesh. DO ON TO OTHERS AS ONE WOULD HAVE DONE ON TOO THYSELF . I cant rob, mistreat another pursuant to this doctrine and then cry fowl when it is returned unto me. But the church and the state minister of prosperity would have me believe that true wealth and salvation can only be obtained if one follow the ministry of those that does not follow this doctrine, and continue to pay tithes and offerings, as a ritual sacrifice for the absolution of sin. Paul said: I am crucified daily . Daily true believers find themselves nailed to the cross of popular opinion by the ministers of the FLESH COSPEL. I say Flesh Gospel because they would have us believe that sin or the sin Gospel in a matter of absolution through wealth sacrifice, through the advent of tithes and offerings. If sin, was so easily absolved my father would be without the crucifixion, for the cattle upon a thousand hills belong to him/her and the rubies, gold and platinum belong to him/her and could have purchased his freedom from men: My Father why has thou forsaken me, was a cry of flesh, Let it be done was the mercy to each and all of us, rather we be Muslim, Christian, Jew, Arab, Negro, African, Polish or all of those in between who believe that there is a difference in the Blood of Christ - there is no difference. The Christ wished us to be free of such differences, or indifferences. To answer that question that has been put to me. I answer, unequivocally, the MESSAGE OF THE CHRIST.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:44:31 +0000

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