ASKING PRAYERS IN A SITUATION THAT AFFECTS MANY: I am shocked and heartbroken to learn that a minister and very close friend I had in the past in childhood and last year, Nic Patterson, who has had such major success in life with starting multiple large companies and becoming very well off and a great father to his 4 children, as well as playing piano and doing missionary work all over the world, and one of the biggest animal lovers I knew is on the run and facing 21 counts of animal cruelty charges after his collies were found where 7 starved to death. Out of 20, half of them died. Its so heartbreaking. Just in start of this year Nic had offered to give me one and they were beautiful then to aid in my grief after my former husbands passing. I couldnt take it unfortunately. Now really wish I couldve. He was one of the two ministers and played piano at my former husbands memorial and helped me in some hard times. We were even planning to go to a North Carolina dog show around start of this year, that didnt work out to get to go. Around Feb. or in Jan. I totally stopped hearing anything and he dropped off Facebook. Now doesnt have a page anymore. I remember him start of the year when the dogs were in great condition having one get injured and he was terrified it would not make it and was thinking about carrying the dog to a vet in Birmingham that would handle emergencies any time day or night, and I offered to go too. The dog ended up fine though. I was so happy and he was too that the beautiful dog came through it. I had not spoke to him since that around start of the year, and I just dont understand how he could turn from that person to this way and harm an animal much less his beloved collies all of which were pure breed who meant the world to him. He constantly groomed them and cared for them and took them to dog shows. And his children were his life, but now he left them and went on the run. I dont understand. Them and the collies were his entire world and something in him had to just snap this year. He was great to them all, then this year, what could have happened - I cant imagine what went wrong. This has broken my heart and then knowing a friend is so sick with cancer who is my age and if turned down for medical funding just has 3 to 6 months to live (wont mention her name here) and another unspoken thing Jayson and I are facing personally. This is not a good time for me to be having stress. I ask you all for prayers for this man who was a man of God and childhood friend and was one of my biggest supporters after my former husbands passing - I ask that he be found and held accountable for his actions. I dont know what went wrong, but I ask you all to please pray for him and his life and for his heart to be moved to do the right thing and turn himself in. I pray God will work in his life and his heart, and I pray the Lords will be done for him. I pray that Satan will not win this, but God have the victory ... maybe this is so Nic will come out with an amazing testimony for others and different life after all this. I can imagine his pain and hurt right now at what hes done, and hopefully God will in some way bring something positive of this, as heartbreaking as this is. I believe that in my heart will be what happens. I feel awful for his wife, his four sweet kids, and his dogs, as well as his loved ones. He faces 15 to 20 years prison now. If anyone knows where he is, please let the police know so that his life can get on a path of dealing with this and his family can know where he is. Sad and heartbroken. There was a time when I would have trusted this friend with my life. I still feel care and concern in my heart for him and his family, especially wife and kids. Speechless. alexcityoutlook/2014/06/27/police-seek-animal-abuse-suspect/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:33:13 +0000

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