ASSUME THE POSITION FOR THE NEW SEASON For this day marks the - TopicsExpress


ASSUME THE POSITION FOR THE NEW SEASON For this day marks the beginning of the beginning of the acceleration that you have waited for, for many years. You have heard God say he will do it. You have waited and you have been faithful. The lord says this is THE moment, what you believe for this month and the rest of the year will set you on a trajectory for the more of heaven for the next 7 years. God wants to release more; he wants your faith to align with his words so you can see the more. In this season, friendships are going to be invaluable. Your Devine or covenant friendships will be the people God will use to shelter you, care for you and push you into your assignment. Learn to recognize your covenant friends, you may not have known them for a long time, but you know them by the spirit. God has ordained friends of promise, friends in the faith to walk with you on this journey... This is the season of the harvest, while darkness will increase around us so will the glory of God; we are entering into a season of great harvest, souls at your door. Things are being put in motion that will cause people to see their need for God. Are you ready? Have you learned his voice? Do you know the people he has called you too? The ones you are called to run with and the ones you are called too? Hurry, run make sure you are in place. This is the month to position yourself to run. The lord says on you mark, get set, go! you will harvest in places you did not plant, the seeds you planted will held a double return for this is the season of the former and latter rain. It is all coming together. This is the season of the culmination of many things. Things that were hanging in the air, things that were not certain, your heart will become confident in your God. You will know he has gone before you and that he is for you. This is not a time to fret, but to focus your eyes on what he has declared over you, your family and the nations. Find yourself in the big story line of God. Plug in, plow and then pluck. We will see unprecedented rain in the next coming months as a sign of the whirlpool and whirlwind we have stepped into. Mantles are switching, we truly have entered into the season of the switching of the Guards. Young new, holy, passionate leaders are being raised up. Women are being raised up, children are being raised up. A new passion and fire is coming on the campuses, on the cities in the villages and in our homes. Men and women who have concreted themselves to God, who have fully yielded themselves to God, they are coming from the mountain side. You will say “where did he come from?” “Where did she come from?” They will not have a lot of words but a lot of power. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR THE DEMONSTRATION OF THE WORD. This is for those who will DO GREAT EXPLOITES IN JESUS NAME. The ones who have sought God alone, not fame or money, but just him, God is raising them up in this hour. We have seen it, business, entrepreneurship, this is the beginning of the transference of wealth it will not just fall from the sky, you will have to work for it, but there will be grace, to build, create and pioneer. THE APOSTOLIC, CREATIVE GENIUS OF GOD will manifest in this hour to those who are yielded. Look for him in your dreams and in the uncommon places. THIS IS THE SEASON FO GREAT FAITH, OF GREAT RISK AND GREAT HOME! THE ONE, WHO JUMPS, WILL BE THE ONE WHO FLIES. Take heart God will be with you, you know his voice and he will lead you. The church is being reconstructed, new model of church, many para ministries, many mega churches, many houses churches because of the many many souls. Work together. Work in unity it is the key to seeing the kingdom grow. Marriage, families, children. The church will set a precedent. Many will get married young, and the season of barren ness will be cut short for many. Marriages and children are all part of the great harvest God is releasing into the nations. Racial reconciliation in the nations will led to many inter-racial marriages, Gods heart and face will be seen in the children born from these children. The kingdom of God is here. Many places of oasis will spring forth for those that labor for the believers, surprises, gifts and supernatural rest. Those that have labored in the houses of prayer and mission field, you will be able to PARTAKE OF THE HARVEST. God sees your faithfulness. Declare that you will know all the plans he has for you and you will walk in them. Multiple births, natural births as well as spiritual births, many things happening at the same time, stay cool, stay composed; you have been waiting for this all your life. Do not lose it because of a lack of composure, stay committed, persevere and you will see the goodness of the lord. Still some rumblings in the earth, some moving and adjusting is still required. It will all be settled by the end of the year. This is the beginning of the beginning of the beginning. We have entered into a 7 year season of acceleration, harvest, plundering the enemies camp, restoration and hope. Hide yourselves in him, live for him, lean into him, as darkness increases so will his glory in you, through you and around you. The LORD says The “position” I am looking for is one of total surrender and kingdom consciousness. Those who continue to fight against flesh and blood will fade away without leaving fruit. Those who attempt to exchange one system for another for the sake of notoriety and fame will lose the time of my refreshing and visitation. I am waiting on a generation who understands our fight against the devil is to purify our souls, not to attach his face to a person, political party or religion. My servants use the devil for their purification not to attack flesh and blood or preserve their doctrines and consciousness. I will confound the wise by those whose posture and minds have been formed by my Spirit. My Kingdom is not accessible to spirits who have not been baptized and birthed from within Me. AMEN!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:19:35 +0000

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