ASSUMPTION CAN BE DESTRUCTIVE. Hannah was praying in her heart, - TopicsExpress


ASSUMPTION CAN BE DESTRUCTIVE. Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk. 1 Samuel 1:13 Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” John 7:24. A woman was waiting at the airport terminal for her plane some minutes boarding. While she was waiting, she got some cookies to eat while on the plane. Later on, as she was reading a newspaper, she noticed that the man seating next to her was eating cookies and she could not find her cookies. She could not believe that the man could have the audacity to eat her cookies without asking her. In order not to lose all her cookies, she reached over to him, took a cookie and ate one herself. She was surprised to see the man eating more cookies. Getting more upset, she took all the cookies and left one for him. The man immediately reached out for the last one, broke it and left half for the woman. This made her furious, so she grabbed the empty package with half cookie and stuffed it into her purse. Then, she was overwhelmed and embarrassed when she discovered that her package of cookie was still in her purse untouched; she was eating the man’s cookie which was the same as hers. She assumed he took her cookies without permission. Many relationships would have been successful if one of the partners or both did not make assumptions of the actions, in-actions or thoughts of their partners. Maybe he or she is in love with someone else, maybe he or she is unfaithful, maybe he wants to marry me but in actuality, he or she is not convinced yet. Many of us are guilty of making varied assumptions. Have you ever had a misunderstanding with someone because he or she made a wrong assumption about you? We make assumptions based on our experience and perceptions about life and our views of our partner, unfortunately, most of these assumptions are negative and are wrong most of the times. We can easily misinterpret partners’ comments when we begin to assume to understand their views but in reality, we have missed their point, and that could lead to serious misunderstanding. I have discovered that when a couple is having an argument, one of the mates could have an explanation to make which would clarify and settle issues but if the husband or wife does not give the other that opportunity, the situation becomes aggravated. There are individuals who broke up with their partners on the grounds of assumed infidelity despite the fact that it was not true. A lady hinted me of how she is always afraid anytime her husband travels to another state for business; she just assumes he would end up sleeping with another woman. I tried to know from her if her fear was as a result of his immoral lifestyle or anything that suggests he would be unfaithful. Surprisingly, her assumption is as a result of insecurities and fears. Never make assumptions, ask questions to be certain before you conclude. Do not be too fast to pass judgement. Measure twice before you cut. May you enjoy a successful relationship in Jesus name.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:04:56 +0000

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