ASTHMA (MPHUMU IN CHICHEWA) IS KILLING PEOPLE DONATA MALUNGA Oslo Norway It seems asthma is fast becoming lenthal, killing many people now adays. Just from May, I have recorded 7 deaths due to asthma and the lates being Madam OC of Namadzi Police Station who died yesterday at Zomba General Hospital, MHSRIP. Mind you, am talking about people I know, there might be more others. The disease also claimed a youthful musician, Mafunyeta and some years ago, former army commander Joseph Chimbayo. In September 2001, Dr. C. Banard of South Africa, who was also the first doctor to conduct a heart transplant died of asthma. Despite the terror that comes with asthma, I feel little is being done by health stakeholders all over the world in curbing the disease. I have never come across awareness messages or campaign on asthma, correct me if am wrong. Alot is being done on cancer, TB, maralia etc but not on asthma. My plea should go to World Health Organization and all relevant health stakeholders all over the world to start doing something about this disease before it becomes highway to the grave. People need to know how to prevent it, how it is contacted and how it can be cured. If only alot can be done on this illness, alot of lives will also be saved. I personally know how dangerous this disease is, my better half, Peter Bradford Sapanga and my best friend Lilien Matonga and her son are all asthmatic so I know what am talking about. Here is a painful and dangerous disease with little or no publicity, lets join hands and spread the message. God bless us all!
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 05:32:05 +0000

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