ASTRO WISDOM TIME: Jupiter In Leo This time of year is - TopicsExpress


ASTRO WISDOM TIME: Jupiter In Leo This time of year is astrologically when Leo bursts on the scene asking us to show up as fully and playfully and dramatically as possible. But that summertime energy is getting an especially BIG boost right now because Jupiter, the planet of expansion, good fortune and risks that pay off, moved out of deep and soulful, watery Cancer on July 16th and into the blazing creative fire also known as the Lion (and Lioness) where it will remain until August 11, 2015. Leo is all about embracing the joy that comes when we express ourselves creatively without holding anything back. So many of us have gotten messages about being visible or taking up space as a BAD thing. We dont want to be accused of being too big for our britches or seen as too full of ourselves. But Leo says, the heck with that nonsense. You came into this world bearing many gifts and you are here to SHINE! So this journey of Jupiter through the sign of the playful child and the sacred performer is a wonderful opportunity to heal some of those messages around staying small and asking ourselves these questions: Where are you dimming your radiance, dampening your sparkle and dulling your shimmer? In what ways are you holding back your bigness, your brilliance and your natural FIRE? And what kind of support, encouragement and appreciation do you need in order to come out of whatever closet youve been keeping yourself in? Leo THRIVES and flourishes when it gets huge doses of admiration, recognition and celebration, so how are you denying yourself the opportunity to be seen? Leo is at core about the open hearted, no holds barred generosity of giving freely of our innate talents and genius and artistry. Its knowing that the more we glow with our unique inner light, the more it allows others to glow too. It wants us to know that everyone is creative. Everyone is an artist. And that play and fun and pleasure are ESSENTIAL components of a rich and nourishing life. It teaches us that giving and receiving are really the same thing. And that joy is our sacred birthright. So this coming year is a time when you will get to play with all that fiery creative energy and hopefully take more than a few chances to come out in a bigger way on the stage of your life.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:52:11 +0000

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