ASTROLOGICAL UPDATE FOR AQUARIUS FULL MOON – JULY 22, 2013 By Mary Mary Lomando This month’s Full Moon falls in the Leo/ Aquarius polarity; the Sun has just moved into zero degrees Leo, and the Moon into zero degrees Aquarius. All full moons are potent in terms of our psychic awareness, but this one is particularly so. The “zero” degree in astrology is called a critical degree’ (along with the 29th degree), which means that it is a particularly karmic and sensitive point. At the zero point, we are at a new beginning; everything is in a state of extreme potential. With this Full Moon emphasizing both Leo and Aquarius critical degrees, it is of utmost importance that we learn the karmic lessons of balancing Heart and Intellect; personal power with group mind; selfishness with selflessness. Humanity is at a state of critical mass balancing lessons going back to Atlantis. This Aquarius/Leo polarity reminds us of the potential of the dawning Aquarian Age: the “revolutionizing” of human consciousness which began in the Age of Leo 13,000 years ago. The Great Lion Sphinx of Giza is a symbol of the Age of Leo. It is a major portal, or stargate, that connects us, not only to our Atlantean heritage, but to our possible futures. The sign Aquarius is the “Water Bearer” of the zodiac, but what he pours is not liquid, but energy. We receive the “elixir of the gods” as electromagnetic frequency. Our brains get “amped up”, and new neuronal pathways open up. This connection for the ancient Egyptian initiates was obvious. The brain and the heart must be connected (Leo and Aquarius) for enlightenment to occur. The Aquarian vessel contains the “water of life” of cosmic consciousness. The “great work” of true alchemy is to find the divine seed within us and water it with the light. We are already shifting into a New Age of Light, but the transmutation process is not an easy one. We are living through global revolutions, economic collapse; trials by fire, wind, and water; but the core of enlightened consciousness remains intact. We, humans, are responsible for the New Earth we are creating. Let us do it through Love, Wisdom and Cooperation. PERSONALLY SPEAKING: The Aquarian Full Moon is an air sign (not water) which symbolizes intuition and perception. Aquarius is the sign of the progressive thinker, the bohemian artist, the political reformer… as well as the scientist, the astrologer, the computer whiz, and closet rebel. If you have the Moon in Aquarius, this is your personal full moon. Aquarians are usually very cool, calm and collected personalities, which make them very interesting to other people. They can also be great humanitarians working for a cause or philosophy, whether it is in the arts or sciences. (Famous Moon in Aquarius personalities: John Lennon, Russell Crowe, Lady Diana Spencer, JFK, Jr, Caroline Kennedy, Oprah Winfrey (Sun in Aquarius). Although they are “group minded” with a diverse array of friends, Aquarians often prefer to be alone. You can usually find them working alone, but in the midst of a crowded, bohemian coffee shop. If you have any planets in early degrees of Leo or Aquarius in your birth chart, you will also be affected by this Full Moon. The Moon in Aquarius heightens our intuitive abilities. It’s a great time for an astrology reading, reiki or energy work. You are more receptive to receiving (or giving) information on a body/mind/spirit level. Your inner radar is working at plus ten! Trust your inner voice at this time. We all have a soul purpose; an authentic Self, not what family, friends, or society have imprinted on us. Take a personal inventory; are you following your own path? We all have responsibilities and duties in life, but self expression does not necessarily have to be stifled in order to take care of them. Voicing your opinion and taking a stand on something that you believe in can make a difference in the world around you. (Just be sure to allow others the same privilege). Creativity comes in many forms. We don’t all have to be successful artists, but volunteering your time and energy to a worthy cause is a rather unique way to share your talents with others. In this age of technology, our thoughts and ideas can be transmitted globally in a matter of seconds; it is important to remember that “with knowledge comes power AND responsibility”. This Full Moon is a great time to set goals for the future and to expand your vision. It is a time to break free of old limiting beliefs and breathe new life into our cells. The “zero” degree of both the luminaries can set you free from all pre-conceived limiting beliefs. You are the Fool in the Tarot deck fearlessly stepping into new territory… make a wish upon a star tonight… just may come true! PLANETARY PICTURES: Mercury Retrograde: Mercury is direct at 13 degrees Cancer with this Full Moon. (See July 8 update). Things which have remained stuck or delayed should move forward now, especially issues which arouse strong emotions. Interestingly enough, this conjoins the degree of the Sun sign of the USA, as well as the fixed star Sirius (denoting ambition, leadership, wealth and fires!) Uranus Retrograde: The ruling planet of this Full Moon in Aquarius is the planet Uranus. Uranus in the sign of Aries (action, idealism and war) moved into retrograde motion on July 18th and will remain so until the end of 2013. When a planet of this magnitude appears to shift direction, you can expect some major changes to take place. Since all four of the slow moving outer planets are now retrograde (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn), a collective wave is redefining itself…one in which freedom vs. tyranny and order vs. chaos are brewing a new world order based on global transformation, spiritual vision, and scientific breakthroughs. Sound familiar? Uranus was discovered in 1781. The American Revolution was in full swing and the Continental Congress chartered the Bank of North America. The outer planets set the stage for major world events; global news, not local. Where they fall in an individual’s birth chart usually reflect the mind-set of the society one is born into (for better or worse). Events constellating around them usually fall under the heading of “fate”. These are collective planets spanning generations of influence; however, each individual does have a choice in the role he or she plays. That is the message of this Full Moon in Aquarius: “Know Thyself”. The asteroid Juno (the royal wife and queen) is in the sign of Aquarius in close aspect with the Full Moon. This denotes a renewed respect and an equality between masculine and feminine. The world is preparing for a royal birth to be announced in the UK any day now. On the evening of July 21st (one day before the full moon) the fixed star, Regulus, called “ the most royal star in the heart of the Lion” will be exactly conjunct the planet Venus in the sign of Leo. Regulus signifies great power and leadership, but also sudden downfall. Does this portend a royal female, who will one day assume the throne of England? Whether this child is prince or princess, he or she will embody the energies of the planetary pictures around this full moon and, let us hope, become a more enlightened and compassionate leader for the New Age. Grand Water Trine Mars, Saturn, and Neptune: The signature of this rare Grand Trine is positive energy (Mars) combines with idealism and spiritual vision (Neptune) to build a solid foundation for a better future (Saturn). It takes a lot of energy to remain optimistic in the face of challenges; however, this powerful trine is the super fuel that recharges our emotional batteries. When we align our hearts and wills in meditation, miracles can and do happen! HISTORICALLY SPEAKING: Goddess Nut /Dendera Temple In ancient Egypt, the sign Aquarius was associated with the Sky Goddess Nut, whose body arches over earth to form the vault of heaven and the heart of the Milky Way. In the hieroglyphic system, the sacred water jar was the symbol of the Goddess Nut, as well as the feminine principle. This key symbol, the sacred vessel, represents the womb of the Great Mother, the Grail of cosmic consciousness. Inside her chapel at Dendera Temple, the ancient Egyptian New Year was celebrated as the star Sirius rose in the heavens (circa July19- 23rd). It was a time of renewal, hope and optimism that the Great Goddess would bestow her blessings on the land through the abundance of the life-giving Nile. If Isis is the World Mother, then Nut is our Star Mother. Like the Star card in the Tarot deck, she gives us hope for the future. She is the harbinger of the New Age of Aquarius. A new world is being born. MEDITATION FOR THE FULL MOON: Find a quiet space to meditate, light a white or violet candle (or both). Ask your guides to assist you in manifesting your Spiritual vision and Life Purpose….watch your dreams for answers. Use the energy of this Full Moon in Aquarius to help you redefine your “mission statement” for the future; and to aid in releasing what no longer serves your higher purpose. Breathe deeply and feel yourself connecting from the core of the planet to the heart of the Milky Way. Connect with the Sky Goddess Nut and feel a cosmic blue-white shaft of light beam from the center of the galaxy into your solar plexus igniting your “inner fire” and moving up to your Heart. This blue-white beams turns into a beautiful blue lotus and opens in your heart center. You are one with the Goddess Nut as she births the New Sun. Imagine your body as a chalice or grail holding the light of this new sun. Feel this light feeding and energizing you as you continue on your path. Blessings, Mary
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:43:42 +0000

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