ASUU DIVIDED ASUP PLUS GOODLUCK EQUAL TO DEADLOCK! It was a meeting that was full of expectation, it was a meeting of hope in all our homes, parents and students kept vigil for 13 hours alongside the journalists for the outcome. All we got is the usual We’ll report back to our State Chapters and members and decide our next line of action”. - ASUU. My worry is that what actually transpired at the meeting, what was the line of discussion between Mr. President and ASUU? No single journalist will report as it happens. I mean, verbatim. Why? Where is transparency of information in my country, in what aspect of governance that the citizens deserve respect and dont we deserve to be part of this meeting via the media, even if we will not say a word? IN A GOOD AND SINCERE GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY OF INFORMATION helps a lot to solve problems of the nation ESPECIALLY ISSUES LIKE THIS. WE ALL KNOW that most of the press can be bought... and news can be twisted. and misinformationscan be done by the PRESS. THE PRESS is a very powerful TOOL IN A GOOD NATION BUILDING. if we have NO INVESTIGATIVE PRESS,our people will have lack of information that can lead them to wrong perceptions and actions. thats the reason why your country needs the international media because it is too difficult to buy international media when it comes to ISSUES OF CORRUPTION & EDUCATION! WE WILL CONTINUE NOT TO DEPEND ON LUCK THAT WILL RESULT AT DEADLOCK BUT, STRIVE TO FIND SOLUTIONS UNTIL DEATH DO US PART WITH OUR BELOVE NATION. @ MAJOR
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 09:50:24 +0000

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