ASUU/FG TUSSLE: WHAT JINX ON NIGERIAN STUDENTS, PARENTS AND THE SOCIETY. Like the saying “When two elephants fight, the grasses suffered the pains” it is no more new even to a 3 years old child the wrath that befall education sector in our their country Nigeria because of the long sitting at home of their brothers/sisters and this causes a lot of contempt among the family members. Since July 1, 2013 when the struggle commenced, many Nigerian students believed that there is going to be total overhaul in education sector in Nigeria and thus gave total support for the striking lecturers by calling on the FG for immediate resolution with ASUU, staged protest almost in all the states in the country including FCT and many others that can be mentioned, this and many other interventions from the elder statesmen in the country gave sudden rise of NEED Assessment Committee from the FG chaired by the Benue state governor Gabriel suswam which after series of meetings for months committed to inject 100b into varsities the year 2013 and 200b for next 4 years, and also promised to offer ASUU 30b for their controversial earned allowance. During all these processes of negotiations, ASUU NEC met almost every week to examine and review the FG offer and decide their next line of actions. From every part of the country, students, parents, civil organisations, NGOs, activists, religion leaders, and many stakeholders from all sectors in the country threatened FG for immediate implementation of ASUU demands, some even went on fasting and prayer while many threatened strike in their sectors not minding the risk of their job all because of ASUU. With the intervention of the last and highest personality (government) in the country, the president and top government functionaries took it upon themselves to had a VIGIL of 13 HOURS without dozing with ASUU members, it was reported that during the meeting, ASUU asked for personal discussion within themselves for about 20-25 minutes for their last demands before they can call off while president waiting on seat. ASUU president didn’t mention all salary must be paid to mr president in the meeting. ASUU personally appreciate mr president to be the 1st sitting president to dialogue with ASUU, students hoped that immediately after the meeting, ASUU president will declare the strike call off since all ASUU delegates at the meeting are professors and brain box, they can say the mind of their people, of course, as a president, you are to speak on behalf of your people in their absent since you have few people they have choosing and trust with you, reverse is the case, when Dr. fagae insisted he will consult his people before calling off the strike. Are those professors (educational experts, nations builders) not capable enough to represent and speak for their members? if not why must they be choosing to be their mouth piece with president?. At their chapter congresses which Dr. Fagae insisted, majority voted for immediate suspension of the strike without any conditions, alongside which took Iyayi’s life, of course, many Nigerian students have died at the course of the strike anyway, it was also gathered that Iyayi was from Benin zone of ASUU which support continuation of the strike. During all these processes of ASUU talks with FG, students, parents, civil organisations, NGOs, activists, religion leaders, many stakeholders from all sectors, even both living and non-living things in the country have been begging ASUU to call off the strike for students future sake and Iyayi’s dead. It was in ASUU secret NEC meeting where all salary must be paid emanated from which makes them to totally loose public sympathy, If ASUU had not stated that as a condition for calling off, it is very sure and non-negotiable that there money will be paid despite that ASUU president didn’t mention that to the president during their meeting, because that was how it always be to any union that went on national strike in Nigeria, their salary must be paid. Unfortunately, ASUU had forget the bad implications that are priceless which their strike had caused the Nigerian Students. Apart from sitting recklessly at home, like the saying “an idle hand is a devils workshop” many students had indulge in prostitutions, armed robbery, kidnapping, rapping, unwanted pregnancy, many students had been child-trafficked, and lots more of social vices, and all these becomes problem to the individuals home and the society at large. Apart from the fact that the said strike had altered the set time which many Nigerian students has proposed to achieve a target goal in life, it has also caused them to loose hope in their teachers who had taught them moral behaviour like not to like money more than your neighbours or wards like in the case of the Nigerian student’s future who are great leaders and successors of the ASUU tomorrow. Many parents whose child supposed to have graduate this year have to be looking for another money to pay their ward’s house rent next year because they only pay this year without enjoy the pay. Many medical students who supposed to have been practising, to bring relief to the society are in hostage by ASUU, market women cannot but count their loses which at the same time have negative impacts on their family. Many of the decision making in education sector today including the president himself are former ASUU members, the former education minister who is a lecturer at Bayero University, find it difficult to facilitate the strike to the involvement of mr president as the present minister, Wike, a lawyer, has done. It thus means that the problems of ASUU are ASUU itself. Even if Dr. fagae becomes Nigeria president today, ASUU will still go on strike of not less than 6 months. We are all Nigerians, changes will surely come one day but it’s a gradual process, nobody even the Nigerian students can sacrifice their future to bring sudden change to Nigeria, but if it’s a gradual process, everyone will be affected with little or no pains. Written and Edited by: Comr. Oloruntoba Alex 400l Mathematics Education, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:24:06 +0000

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