AT THE 0:30 MARK OF THIS VIDEO, MR CLARKE SAYS: youtube/watch?v=ERQKdseeQ7s&feature=share CONSTANTINE DECIDED TO MAKE CHRISTIANITY AS THE REIGION OF THE WHOLE ROMAN EMPIRE THATS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!! As the Imperial system gained hold, it was common practice for the Emperors to accept divine honors before their deaths. These living gods, in some case...s, required sacrificial rituals as signs of loyalty and ingrained themselves with the older more traditional pagan gods. The requirement of a sacrifice to the emperor, as well as the forced belief in the complete pantheon became a significant source of conflict with early Christians. As Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god, persecution of the Christians and conflict with the cult was a constant source of strife. Emperor worship would continue until late in the western Empire until the reign of Constantine. In the early 4th century AD, Constantine either converted to Christianity or made it an acceptable part of Roman religion, eliminating the emperor deification altogether. IF HE HAD MADE THIS DECISION THEN HE WOULD HAVE DONE W...HAT THEODIOSIUS I DID,WHICH WAS TO OUTLAW ALL OTHER FORMS OF RELIGION. Constantine did not patronize Christianity alone. After gaining victory in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (AD 312), a triumphal arch—the Arch of Constantine—was built (315) to celebrate it; the arch is decorated with images of Victoria and sacrifices to gods like Apollo, Diana, or Hercules, but contains no Christian symbolism. In 321, Constantine instructed that Christians and non-Christians should be united in observing the venerable day of the sun, referencing the esoteric eastern sun-worship which Aurelian had helped introduce. THIS ACTION ALONE DEFINITELY SHOWS THAT HE WAS NOT SOMEONE WHO WAS INTERESTED IN MAKING Christianity the religion of the whole of the Roman empire His coinage still carried the symbols of the sun cult until 324, in 325 he summoned the Council of Nicaea. WHICH FURTHER PROVES THAT A EUROPEAN FORM OF CHRISTIANITY WOULD HAVE BEEN ARIANISM AS IT WAS BASICALLY,POLYTHEISM! Even after the pagan gods had disappeared from the coinage, Christian symbols appeared only as Constantines personal attributes: the chi rho between his hands or on his labarum, but never on the coin itself. WHICH MEANS THAT CONSTANTINES EUROPEAN MODEL OF CHRISTIANITY WAS HIM BEING GOD AS ALL OF THE AUGUSTI WERE PURPORTED TO BE. Even when Constantine dedicated the new capital of Constantinople, which became the seat of Byzantine Christianity for a millennium, he did so wearing the Apollonian sun-rayed Diadem CLARKE SAYS It is at this conference that they created a European concept of Christianity AGAIN UNTRUE. HAD CONSTANTINE INSTITUTED A EUROPEAN CONCEPT OF CHRISTIANITY HE WOULD HAVE MADE THE NICENE COUNCIL ADOPT ARIANISM. WHICH IS THE SAME AS NEO-PLATONISM Arius was thoroughly Greek in his conception of God. The Logos was a creature. And God himself could not create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with him. WHICH IS THE MODEL OF EUROPEAN/GREEK MYTHOLOGY. THERE IS NO CONCEPT OF TRINITARIANISM IN ANY OF THE EUROPEAN RELIGIONS PRIOR TO THIS. THE EUROPEAN CONCEPT OF CHRISTIANITY, WOULD HAVE BEEN POLYTHEISM WHICH IS NOT THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH. Arianism is a union of adoptionism with the Origenistic-Neo-Platonic doctrine of the subordinate Logos which is the spiritual principle of the world, carried out by means of the resources of the Aristotelian dialectics (Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p251) CLARKE GOES ON TO SAY Now were coming to the critical period when the Roman DOMINATION OF THE CHURCH SO CORRUPTED THE CHURCH... WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT DIDNT HAPPEN FOR THAT WOULD HAVE MEANT THE TEACHINGS OF ARIUS WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPLENTED. WHILE THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT CONSTATINES OWN SONS ATTEMPTED TO DO AFTER HIS DEATH SO THAT THEY COULD INSTITUTE Roman DOMINATION OF THE CHURCH IT NEVER HAPPENED. Later Emperors such as Julian attempted to revive the old ways, but the deeply rooted Mithraism, and Christian cults combined were firmly set within Roman society. By 392 AD, Emperor Theodosius I banned the practice of pagan religions in Rome altogether and Christianity was, without question, the official religion of the state. CLEARLY IT WAS Emperor Theodosius I banned the practice of pagan religions in Rome altogether and Christianity was, without question, the official religion of the state. But Clarke lied and said different. Aint it funny that we cant find not a single solitary history record anywhere on the planet that goes along with his version of events?? Wheres he get this from?? Must have made it up. THIS IS FROM Edward Gibbon: The Destruction of Paganism and the Rise of the Cult of Saints [Chapter XXVIII of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire] Theodosius contributed to the... triumph of the Christian and Catholic faith. ^25 He attacked superstition in her most vital part, by prohibiting the use of sacrifices, which he declared to be criminal as well as infamous; and if the terms of his edicts more strictly condemned the impious curiosity which examined the entrails of the victim, ^26 every subsequent explanation tended to involve in the same guilt the general practice of immolation, which essentially constituted the religion of the Pagans. As the temples had been erected for the purpose of sacrifice, it was the duty of a benevolent prince to remove from his subjects the dangerous temptation of offending against the laws which he had enacted. A special commission was granted to Cynegius, the Praetorian praefect of the East, and afterwards to the counts Jovius and Gaudentius, two officers of distinguished rank in the West; by which they were directed to shut the temples, to seize or destroy the instruments of idolatry, to abolish the privileges of the priests, and to confiscate the consecrated property for the benefit of the emperor, of the church, or of the army. PAGANISM WAS STILL BEING PRACTICED 43 YEARS AFTER CONSTANTINE WAS DEAD! Footnote *: Paganism maintained its ground for a considerable time in the rural districts. Endelechius, a poet who lived at the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the cross as Signum quod perhibent esse crucis Dei, Magnis qui colitur solus inurbibus. In the middle of the same century, Maximus, bishop of Turin, writes against the heathen deities as if their worship was still in full vigor in the neighborhood of his city. Augustine complains of the encouragement of the Pagan rites by heathen landowners; and Zeno of Verona, still later, reproves the apathy of the Christian proprietors in conniving at this abuse. SO DONT GIVE ME THAT LINE ABOUT CLARKE NOT LYING CONCERNING CONSTANTINE! CONSTANTINE DIDNT GET RID OF ANYTHING EXCEPT EMPORER WORSHIP! THATS IT AND CLARKES ASS LIED ABOUT THAT AS WELL AS THE TWO OTHER LIES HE TOLD IN UNDER 93 SECONDS!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:58:12 +0000

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