AT THE FEET OF THE RABBI DAILY DEVOTIONAL 10TH SEPTEMBER 2014 SOMEONE PAID FOR THIS Do you have any childhood memory that you hold as dear to you? Amongst other things, growing up is a special experience as we are at that stage where we care for little things. You wake up every morning and after saying goodmorning mum and dad, the next word is “I am hungry”. It never comes into your mind for once that the food costs money and someone pays for it. You expect food on the table as a normal way of life and even cry for more than food sometimes and ask for snacks and other cool stuffs for kids but you never remember that someone pays for it. Truly, it takes a lot of years of maturity before we finally come to a knowledge that the food we eat daily, the school we attend daily, the clothes we wear daily, the house we live in, the bed we sleep on and everything that we grew up and saw as normal was not actually free but someone paid for it but by ASKING, we receive. This is why as believers God expects us to take care of our parents when we are finally established because they are a type of shadow of Christ’s work on the cross. I mean, when we even don’t know what they were doing, they still paid those price all the same for us. In a similar way, Christ went through the experience and demands of the cross so He can pay for what we need in this life and life afterwards. The coming of God in the flesh was not because HE loved to show up on earth and taste this life down here. No one would taste heaven and want to come here no matter the amount you give them; the difference is just too much. When Smith Wigglesworth’s wife passed on to glory in his absence and he returned and raised her back to life, the first thing Polly told Smith when she awoke was, “Smith, what have you done?” She was not grateful to Smith for bringing her back because the glory she met there was not to be exchanged for anything down here and guess what? Smith had to send her back again! No one would get to heaven and want to come back to this earth. This is why, while we mourn a loved on here, the one been mourn wish we knew how much pleasure over there he/she currently enjoys, I mean, if he/she died as a believer and as a matter of fact, while we mourn him/her, he/she mourns us back because we are the ones that needs to be comforted in this world where a desperate satan is using men against men. Christ coming therefore was not an excursion. “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:7-8.What did Jesus pay for? He paid for your health/healing. If you are sick today, Jesus has already paid for your bills! (Isaiah 53:5) It’s time to be healed. He paid for your sins and took away the punishments of sin. If you are still living in sin, turn to Jesus and be free (2Cor 5:19). If the guilt of your sin still haunts you, remember that Jesus paid for it and be free! He was poor so you can be rich (2Cor 8:9), if you are suffering in poverty, remember that you are meant to reign in life (Romans 5:17). Jesus paid for it! If you are saved and still afraid of going to hell, be aware that Jesus already paid for your way into eternity with Him. Heaven is yours because of what Jesus did on the cross for you; He paid for it! So why are you lacking these things He paid for already? Because it takes knowledge to rule in this earth. All that Christ paid for is given to you in the seed of new life you received at newbirth but you have to bring it out by finding out what is in your spirit and speaking them out. Your solution is not outside but inside your spirit. When you speak what the word of God says about you, you move them from your spirit into a physical reality. Claim your health by declaring it out, take your wealth by speaking it out; Declare to that feeling of guilt that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Here is the lesson, Christ have paid for all you need but you receive it by speaking it out. What are you waiting for? Start speaking today. Speak what you need and not about what you lack. Speak where you want to be and not where you are today. Speak to your problem about God and not God about your problem. Authority is in your spirit, speak it out. I feel like shouting! Glory! Glory! Glory! Prayer: I make demands in the name of Jesus Christ of all that have been deposited in my spirit. I call out my jobs, marriage, health, finances in Jesus name. Begin to call them out in Jesus name! Key point: Here is the lesson, Christ have paid for all you need but you receive it by speaking it out. What are you waiting for? Start speaking today.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:00:14 +0000

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