AT YOUR VERY OWN WORD SO SHALL IT BE!!! Todays reading is from - TopicsExpress


AT YOUR VERY OWN WORD SO SHALL IT BE!!! Todays reading is from the book of Proverbs 4:23, Above all else, guard your.heart for it is the wellspring of life. Its not very easy for an individual to speak that which is far from their hearts.To start with,our heart is like a reservior,whatever you fill in,will accumulate for years,and become you.As much as you would not like to be fat,it will require you to do some exercises,but the minute you begin to eat junk,they pile up on you and before you know it ,you become fat again.I mean being fat,does not change who you are,but you change your dimension from slim to fat.. Now far be it known today that any drunkard who speaks everything and nothing from his/her mouth,did not invent it but that person is simply speaking what has been in their hearts all along.Its the environment that could have forced the so called drankard to speak. Now your heart has a door,and this door opens so wide when you dine with Jesus in prayer.When you sing praises and worship to the Lord. The door opens especially for ministers of the gospel, pastors,singers etc, the most vulnerable moment in your life.Thats when you need somebody who can walk in your level in the spirit to cover you.Its a moment when you dont need to meet a person whose spirit is contrary to the Spirit of God.If you are a married minister,you do not need to be ministered to by your secretary,or usher, but your wife!! I dont want to go deep in this kingdom secrets,i mind baby christians out there. The door of your heart opens in order to receive,for it must receive in order to close.Its not an automatic closure not at all.. Most people are vulnerable at this stage because the bible clearly says,that the devil goes around like a roaring lion,looking for someone to devour.Who do you thing he is looking for????? of course you and I The devil respects nobody,that is why you will find a very annointed man of God,driving the demons out of people,but later on you hear things like, fornicated with an usher,secretary,househelp. The devil aint playing summer party with your soul,No! he is determined to destroy you,that is the more reason that you should fight him back. Back to my message, You will not go further than where your mind has never been..Why?? because out of the abundance of your heart ,your mouth speaks. Whatever you feed your mind with ,will be part of you. You cant keep on whining and grumbling day long and expect a different result. You cant dwell on the past and expect to move forward.You will remain there..If somebody hurt you,just suck it and move on. Jesus said, in this world you will have many troubles ,but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world. When you are faced with trouble,the best thing to do,is to go in your closet and tell God about it.Dont run to the phone or quit on God but find time to be in His presence. You need to know that your mouth has power and whatever you speak with your mouth will come to pass someday.. If you have been feeding your heart with failure statements,oh! i will never make it! oh i will never be so and so,oh! its too late for me to blah!! blah!! Do you know all the words you speak bind you in the spiritual realm? That is why its important to begin the cleansing process of your heart with the word of God.Medidate on it day and night,start decreeing that which the Lord Almighty has spoken over you. The mouth you have is a sword,release the sword of the Spirit in the Spirit realm to counter any negative word spoken against your life and your destiny in Jesus name.. Cancel every negative word spoken against your life still towing in the air in the name of Jesus.. From today,dont talk unless its necessary because every word you speak is a deposit that goes to the heart,and from the heart you speak,when you speak it,you decree and establlish it. My desire is to see you read the word of God,meditate on it day and night.Speak the word aloud in your life,decree it in every situation, be patient and see if the Lord will not establish and perform his word in your life and bring it to pass in Jesus name.. You cant go wrong whatsoever with the word of God! !!!! God bless yoall.. Shalom!!!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:04:52 +0000

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