ATHEISTS YOU ARE SO DONE! Its about time So what is this lack - TopicsExpress


ATHEISTS YOU ARE SO DONE! Its about time So what is this lack of belief really about? Lacking belief is what an atheist believes by definition. Atheists do have a position and defend it very well. The statement I lack belief in a god is becoming a common and annoying position of atheists. In discussions with them, they say they lack belief in God the way they lack belief in invisible pink unicorns. In other words, they have no position, take no intellectual action, and have no belief or unbelief on the matter concerning God. To them it is a non-issue. Though this may sound sensible to some, the problem is that once you are introduced to an idea you cannot stay neutral about it. You invariably make a judgment about an idea once it has been introduced to you. You can brush it off as ridiculous, ponder its possibility, accept it, reject it, or do something in between. But, you cannot return to a lack of belief position if lack of belief is defined as a non-intellectual commitment or non-action concerning it. Though I admit that an atheist can claim he lacks belief even after being exposed to an idea and contemplating its rationality, I still assert that a position of some sort is required. Let me ask a question Is my cat an atheist? According to atheists a cat is an atheist by definition. All things which cannot understand the concept of a deity are atheists. The false premise here is that they have never been mentally exposed to the concept of theism. They cant understand it. They have made no choice to remain atheists. The difference is that mentally mature humans who are exposed to theism are capable of making the choice to remain an atheist. A cat cant make this choice . . . as far as we know. To say that All things which cannot understand the concept of a deity are atheists is not logically necessary. It all depends on which definition of atheist you want to go by and what level of understanding is to be had regarding deity. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, Atheism is disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god. There can be a wide range of meaning held by this definition. As far as deity goes, there are a host of different definitions in the world on what constitutes deity. If a cat cant make the choice to accept God or not, then perhaps this atheist might want to refine his definition of atheism since rocks cannot understand the concept of a god either. Are they atheistic as well? Are we to include water, rainbows, and clouds as members of the atheist community as well? Obviously this lack of belief position is inadequate to sufficiently define atheism. Atheist are so lost!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:43:03 +0000

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