ATOMIC WARFARE AND EFFETS OF RADIATION BY Allama Mohammad Yousuf - TopicsExpress


ATOMIC WARFARE AND EFFETS OF RADIATION BY Allama Mohammad Yousuf Gabriel No scientist of average understanding will upon some reflection miss the point that the difference between the devastation brought about by the commencement of atomic warfare and the adoption of atomic-energy for peace, excepting indeed the blast, ultimately differs n terms only that is, the short term and the long term. The atomic bomb brings about the prompt disintegration of life and property, while the atomic reactor works the destruction slowly, systematically and indefinitely. Scriptural warnings and philosophical reasoning could in this age be ignored, but that the scientific facts be neglected in this age is no doubt surprising. That the men of this age play the deaf, the dumb and the blind to the warnings of science itself, could only be attributed to the impelling influence of the three evils, namely slander, wealth accumulation and wealth worship. The history has come to repeat itself. The Delilah of science has discovered the secret of the strength of the atomic Samson. The modern materialistic philistines have captured it. They have employed him as a slave and have commanded him to show feats of his unusual strength. No doubt, inn the end he will show them yet another fact of his formidable strength on his own accord, and will I this bring the whole roof of their amphitheatre down upon theirs and upon his own utter ruin. Mankind, atomic energy, science, and indeed the entire creation on earth shall disappear due only to one little misunderstanding of the scientist regarding the atomic energy in that he failed to recognize its exceptional position in the field of science, ignoring the fact that the atomic bomb was the legal offspring of the illegal dam the atomic energy that would damn the world. The basic rule of the methodology of science could perhaps have been applied to atomic energy. But all the difference has been made by the presence of the atomic radiations, that are inherent in the very nature of the atomic energy and cannot be separated or segregated, and makes the universal control impossible. The atomic bomb too could perhaps have been tolerated by mankind as a little too powerful a destroyer of life and property if the factor of the atomic radiation were not there. The successful detonation of the Hydrogen bomb could have been hailed by the belligerent nations as great triumph, but the factor of the global and hence most dangerous kind of the radiological hazard in the form of fallout spoiled all the expected joy of the spirit of bellicosity. Real satisfaction is to be found in the fact that perhaps this present generation will pass away after enjoying the full advantages of atomic energy leaving all the consequent miseries, cancer, leprosy, chimerism, impotency and hemorrhages for the future ge4nerations with whom they can have no sympathies in the present gratification of present lust. They who may soon develop the symptoms cannibalism, they who now show signs of cannibalistic tendencies to fall on each other and tear the flesh and eat it up. What regard they may be expected to have for their future generations which even have not appeared as yet and are behind the curtain of futurity. Yes indeed. The much dreaded cannibalisms could not have been worse. The energy-hungry mankind must know that the atomic energy could have been used as energy provided there were no radiations, or provided radiations could have been controlled. There is yet another factor which deserves serious consideration. The mere existence of atomic energy in the world constitutes a perpetual heart on that it is the source of the atomic bomb. Despite all the assurances to the contrary the possibility of atomic war in the presence of atomic energy cannot be excluded. At present the atomic bomb is hated and dreaded but in future when mankind will be groaning under the miseries of life brought about the presence of the atomic radiations, they may hail the atomic bomb as their savior and redeemer. Far graver indeed is yet another aspect, the one that i.e. hidden from the materialistic age, via, that of the eternal life in heaven. It has to be remembered that the every same caused that have produced the atomic bomb in this world are given out by the prophecy of the Quran (Al –Homaza-104) as responsible for the punishment in Al-Hotama, to mean that they who have been rendered liable to the punishment of atomic bombs in this transient world are also liable to the punishment of atomic bombs in this transient world are also liable to the punishment of the Al-Hotama in the next eternal world. How grievous a consideration and how grievous a punishment. Here in this transient world there is at least some consolation in thought that death ultimately would relieve from the torture, but what hope is there to relieve anyone from the torture of the next eternal world. There the torture of Al-Hotama shall be for ever. endlessly to the eternity. If the word of a scripture has been proved in this world, why then it should fail in the next world. A solitary voice in the thundering storm of the tyrannical necessities of life may have a meager chance of being heard by a preoccupied mankind but the consequences of missing this voice may certainly be dire. What ever the situation, the warning ought to be sounded, lest they say, we were not told, we might perhaps have been saved. The conniving scientist, the zealous politician, the enthuastic industrialist and indeed all the carving mankind will be sobered at the first glimpse of the terror which is atom bob. The atomic energy for peace, however, may take time to reveal its truth to the world. The dreadful doom shall inevitably come with a double misery for the scientist, but until the basic causes of the trouble are considered the ears and the eyes shall remain sealed, and until the basic causes are remove, the threat of the atomic devastation will lurk about the world. A revolution of thought indeed as great, and as dynamic, and as universal as the prevailing set up of atomism in the world is required to avert the atomic doom. Providence has the power to change the hearts, though all the necessary knowledge is there. All the necessary Knowledge is indeed there. It is known that the atomic bomb is not a weapon of war but a means of complete annihilation of life son earth. It is known that there is no universal protection for mankind against radiation, nor is there any sure cure for the injuries caused by it. It is known that the genetic effects of radiation are irreversible and irreparable, and that the precessive genes are inheritable, cumulative and multiplicative. And it is well known that the effects of radiation will in the end change the entire human race and the whole mammalian world and the complete plant world into chimeras till they become extinct, and it is also known that nothing could be done to stop the effects of radiation, And much more is known with utmost certainty, If all this be true and it is no mere fantasy. What plausibility is there to adopt the atomic-energy for peace? But will anyone hear? To what else such an attitude could be attributed except the hypnotic influence of a dreadful doom. Thee example of the scientists who base their permission of the atomic energy for peace on their hope in finding some day the protective and curative measures against the effects of radiations is that of the doctor who knowing that there existed no antidote. For a certain poison would cause his patient to swallow the poison in the hope of anyhow finding some antidote. The case of radiations is even more serious then that of any poison, since poison affects the present person while radiations affect even future generations like a multiplicative epidemic, which of the sides of the attitude of the scientist we then have to believe? Hi frightful description of the hazards of the atomic radiations and his confessions of human helplessness against the effects of radiations or his recommendations of atomic energy base on his assurances of the innocuity of atomic energy for peace. Does this labeling of atomic energy with peace anyway changes its inherent nature, or neutralizes in any way its noxious effects. Our surmise is that the atomic energy and peace are contradicted in terms. Is then this our surmise wrong, misjudged, and exaggerated? The delusions of the politician and the industrialist will eventually be broken. The atomic stockpiles ultimately will fail to prove a perpetual deterrent against the aggression. As far as the atomic energy for Peace is concerned, no doubt, the eventual harm will sallow up the preliminary advantage. The invisible bane o radiations will gradually impair the health of the general public to the degree that no the workshops, fields and factories, but hospitals, sick houses and asylums will be the usual haunts of the people. Investments will sink, and sink indeed will the general health of the people with resulting bankruptcy everywhere. Banks, financiers, Governments will on and all turn bankrupt me the real sense of the Word. In the whole it will be a sick world. The bait of temptation which had in the beginning been found in the great energy potential would long since have been disappeared in the consequent miseries. The present generations shall have a bite at the bait but some future generation shall find itself helplessly fallen into a trap of hellish miseries. The atomic energy offers two alternatives and we only, namely, a sudden instantaneous destruction through atomic bombs, or a systematic decay or a systematic decay of life through atomic energy for peace after a miserable spell of indefinite existence on earth. Any amount of radiation and any dose rate are decisively deleterious to health and life. Protection against radiation can only be secured by covering completely materially the actual source of atomic energy. Even this extreme protection is not hundred percent foolproof and always the possibility of occasional leakage of radiation remains to hazard the health and life through radiation injury. Irreversible and irreparable in case of the genetic damage. The danger of a reactor occasionally running out of control, or even exploding with the resultant inundation of the whole neighboring district with radiation playing havoc with the health and life of the unprotected people in a terrific holocaust, causing radiation sickness and mutating the genes cannot be ruled out. There is a great probability of the aged reactor’s ending its life span in explosion. Great care is as yet taken in covering every reactor and a medley of extremely sensitive instruments are attached to it for the detection of the slightest leakage of radiation, and special radiation proof dresses have been designed to protect the employees of the atomic plants against the ever impeding hazards of radiation. Yet neither the occasional leakage nor the possibility of the explosion of the reactor could anyway be avoided nor could every single member of mankind at large be expected to be constantly wrapped up a shroud of a dress that has been made proof against radiation and which has to be worn. Perpetually from birth to death like the skin itself, to be changed only on a close radiation proof room , for who know when and where the lurking radiation may be to take advantage of the occasion and attack the person during the change of dress. It is a somber picture. This world like a world of snails creeping in their radiation proof shells. Terrorizing hazards of the invisible and insidious radiations will be the harassing problem. The world it seems is resolved to meet a formidable foe, a foe armed dangerously to its teeth, and offer a combat wearing a broken helmet with numerous holes, and carrying smithereens of a shield as a symbol of heraldry, and wearing no armor not even a shirt. This is not merely a picturesque piece of a rhetoric portrayal but this actually is the representative situation of human defense against radiation; the broken helmet is the symbol of the covered sources of radiation e.g in reactors. They are like a broken helmet because they frequently leak. The smithereens of a shield represent the defense against the exploded reactor, while the absence of an amour, even a shirt is the emblematic representation of the defenselessness of the individual bodies of mankind at large against radiation. No humaninally great sagacity is required to discover the fault of the understanding of even the most intelligent among to votaries of the atomic energy. The same may with much plausibility be said of these among the scientists who are not hesitate in recommending the use of the atomic energy for peace. They are all riding the waves of the present in extreme helplessness utterly forgetful of the future. Let whatever the degree of helplessness and howsoever great the surety of the comparative immunity of the present generation from the harmful effects of radiation, the unfailing and painful voice of conscience regarding the unspeakable miseries of our future generations, our own blood ought not be discarded for even though we may pass our lifespan in this world without any fear of retribution, we at least must remember our inevitable liability impeachment in the next world before the throne of God where all of us, both we of this present generation and those of our future generation will stand face to face to answer for our behavior in respect to our descendants , and in case found guilty of great . Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel Adara Afqar e Gabriel QA Street Nawababad Wah Cantt Distt Rawalpindi Pakistan
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:19:25 +0000

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