ATONISM is simply a CONDITION OF BEING AT ONE WITH NATURE AND OTHERS WHILE RECONCILING ONESELF WITH ALL YOUR OFFENSES IN SUCH A WAY AS TO BECOME CONSISTENTLY BALANCED IN ALL YOUR DEALINGS, THEREBY MAKING GOOD PEOPLE BETTER. As such; The High Priest Prophet and Seer: ANKH-AN-ATON also known as Amun-Hotep successfully resurrected ATONISM at a time whereby we as the original inhabitants of Tama-Re (Ancient Africans) as Nubian Melaninites were revolting against both Hinduisms-Pantheistic Practices and Greco-Roman Pantheonic Religions under the name of Monos-Worship called Monotheism and both of their influences, infiltrations and subjugations of our land and culture. Monotheism is actually 2 Grecian and Roman words simply Greco-Roman Deities, namely: Monos – God of Sarcasm and Pain and Theos – God of conjecture, speculation and assumption which as names and concepts were never praised by, pronounced by, nor accepted by the tongues of the 12 Tribes of which the High Priest, Seer and Prophet: Ankh-An-Aton was born. Thus they decided to PURPOSELY plagiarize from those Original Books Of The Bible which by right are the Ancient African Version in order to create their own Greco-Roman versions namely: the Greek Orthodox version done by Alexander the Greek through his Alexandrian-schools and the Roman Catholic Version done by Constantine the Roman through his 46 Shakespearian-writers all of which were purposely done with the intentions of suppresing the original chosen people of Tamare (Ancient Africa) to become blind as to the Original Teachings of the True-Religion of All Humanity: ATONISM from which the many interpretations of monotheism were stolen, twisted and birthed. The Original people of the Scriptures as Tama-Reans (Ancient Africans) recognised and promoted the reality that our way of life and culture was that of ATONISM which makes its adherents rightfully called ATONIST: those seeking atonement (At-one) with NATURU ‘IYL-OHIYM: The Most High Heavenly and Earthly Guardian-Angelic Hosts, the elements of nature, their attributes and principles. ATONISTS are those who through their faithful and true works seek SALVATION. Therby please don’t allow his-story to dictate to your minds the false notion that the High Priest, Seer and Prophet Ankh-An-Aton started the corrupted Greco-Roman concept of Europeanised Christianity when instead they simply stole, twisted, misinterpreted and mistaught what he and his foreparents practiced as a peaceful way of life and spiritual-religion in order to make it seem as if the Tama-Reans (Ancient Africans) were pagans when in fact the reverse was and is true. This is why we have actually given to you the real and verified meaning of what Atonism meant by Tama-Rean (Ancient African) standards pre-Greco-Roman infiltration, invasion, colonisation and forced conversion.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:06:04 +0000

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