ATTACK ON WOMEN LEADERS WOMEN WITH EDUCATION AROUND THE NATION AND THE WORLD - THE MALES IN TOP OIL COMPANIES NEED TO ANSWER WHY TRUCKS ARE FOLLOWING ME AND WHY? DO YOU THINK IT IS ALRIGHT TO KILL WOMEN WITH A VOICE Well Government Leaders are going to have to justify what exactly is going on here and how men in POWER are getting away with victimizing women and using there power to scare them and in this case try to KILL A WOMEN WITH A VOICE! I WAS INFACT EMPLOYED I WAS OPENING MY OWN AGENCY AND CHARITY AND BEFORE I OPENED MY HOME WAS VICTIMIZED! I SAY THERE IS ALOT ANSWERS THAT NEED TO BE ANSWERED! DO YOU DO THIS TO OTHER EDUCATED WOMEN AND IF SO THERE NEEDS TO BE HEAVIER LAWS TO PROTECT WOMEN BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS AROUND THE PROVINCE! I was standing outside the hospital when my home was attacked and a man from an oil and gas company told me that I would end up in a shrink prison or jail will have a lot of explaining to do and I want the hospital surveillance cameras presented in court! I have nothing to hide but you all sure do so I think we need to start asking some questions and DEAD AT THIS POINT OR DISPLACED I THINK IS NOT HAPPENING SO YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO EVERY OTHER LOW INCOME AND MIDDLE CLASS CANADIAN WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? I DO INFACT COME FROM THE RIGHT NEIGHBOURHOOD SO CLASS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! I was also told by another man that I would never work again and this was at Café Beno before Aston Fenby alleged I wanted to kill people well I say I am not the one killing people! I sure will work again and live a normal peaceful life without being stalked and harassed! You will watch me work in court! I am working right now getting court documents together and sorry cant arrest innocent people and there are laws regarding Landlords and Tenants! I am not hiding anything and your only defense is I am crazy well then I guess roll with that and we see how far that goes in court after we take a look at your security cameras as well! I am guessing every women you victimized is crazy and how many of them ended up dead we dont know about! Who knows you may have paid my family or scared them I really dont know what to think but we all find out when the HEAT AND PRESSURE IS ON AND THE HEAT IS ON! I even have had nothing but threats well if you have to victimize someone home and play dirty and get caught well I guess that your problem! Not mine! I am not a HOOKER OR PROSITUTE AND WE KNOW WHO SET THAT UP! STANDING OUTSIDE IN THE COLD IS NOT HAPPENING I AM SURE POOR PEOPLE WILL LET ME IN AFTER I BANG ON THERE DOOR WEARING A SUITE SAYING HI I WANT TO TELL YOU A STORY WITH A LETTER SIGNED AND SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE I CAN GET TO VOTE ME IN! I MADE YOUR BARS BUSY I AM SURE I CAN GET A CROWD AROUND YOUR BAR!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:12:41 +0000

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