ATTENTION ACTION CLUB MEETING IS WEDNESDAY 10/1/2014. Elizabeth Hz is leading this weeks meeting. Tuesday I will be interviewed on 880AM by Soo Ra Ra on the topic of Action Club and Goals. Read the weekly Action Club meeting message below and see you WEDNESDAY: Hi Go-Getters, How Fast Can I Learn? A martial arts student went to the preeminent Zen and Martial Arts Master and declared he wanted to learn to be a Zen and Martial Arts Master, he was devoted and ready. The martial arts student asked enthusiastically how long would it take? The Zen Master replied: “Ten years.” The student, a bit impatient and not satisfied with the answer went ahead and said: But I want to master it faster than that, I will work every hard, practice 10 or more hours a day if necessary. How long would it THEN take? The teacher replied: “Twenty years.” The wisdom of this Zen teaching dawned on me this week. My goal in Action Club has been to make $1,000,000. My initial goal was to be a stand-up comedian and do 20 stand-up open mic nights, but quickly it changed to making $1,000,000 through my business. Why? Because I was frantically wanting to master something that a $1,000,000 represents to me internally, just like the martial arts student. I realize now that my goal is not to make a $1,000,000, a million dollars is the outcome I am looking for and that I will get eventually, but the real payoff is the person I am becoming throughout this process and the goal is....the REAL ready for is the final ingredient in becoming what you want...the real goal is to attain the VIRTUES, HABITS and ATTITUDE necessary to manifest whatever you want. Therefore the goal is to BE and ACT with the VIRTURES, HABITS and ATTITUDE of a millionaire and a million dollars will eventually arrive. So what does this look like for me? I want to be a person that follows through on the things I wants to do, its my Achilles heal, the only thing stopping me from being a millionaire. Ive used the example of the 80s movie the Karate Kid before, Mr Miyagi is asked by a young teenage kid who is being bullied at school to learn karate. Mr Miyagi agrees after quite a bit of convincing to teach the kid martial arts, but with the understanding that the kid will do whatever Mr Miyagi asks, without question. Mr Miyagi quickly puts the kid to work doing chores around his house but doesnt actively teach him any karate. Finally after for days of grueling chores the karate kid, fed up with doing seemingly meaningless tasks, confronts Mr Miyagi and accuses Miyagi of taking advantage of him. I have been a lot like the karate kid, the kid was focused on the $1,000,000 goal instead of the VIRTUES, HABITS and ATTITUDE of a martial artist. Watch this 4 minute clip, its totally worth it to relive this great movie moment: https://youtube/watch?v=Bg21M2zwG9Q I will explain to you briefly how I came to this conclusion... I am doing a Harvard University EdX Immunity to Change free course online (, taught by Dr. Robert Kegan and Dr. Lisa Lahey. Its a course on goal setting and achievement, a perfect fit for Action Club and because I am always looking for new things to incorporate into the group, I did not hesitate to sign up. A lot of the teachings thus far apply seamlessly into Action Club so if you dont have time to take the course dont worry youll get the quick and dirty version later after I finish 8 weeks from now ;). One of the first homework assignments is to write your goal. Ive been leading Action Club for almost 3 years now, so my first thought was phhfffff...I got this shit covered. Well, I learned something, goal setting in terms of Immunity to Change has very different criteria and the following key requirement. An Immunity to Change course goal is called an IMPROVEMENT GOAL (something you can get better at, like consistency or follow-through), it is not an OUTCOME GOAL (a result, like a $1,000,000). Therefore your goal has to be something that you can, independent of outside factors, become better at or improve. So for example if the goal is to “Grow my business” or “Lose Weight”, what is the thing that you would have to get better at or improve to make this goal come to fruition? Take a moment and think of examples.........see the difference? So, what is my Immunity to Change goal? I, Ivan Dynamo De Jesus am committed to getting better at my time and task management skills, by being intentional about what I need to accomplish daily by following-through with consistently and integrity, the things I say I am going to do. See you at Action Club and remember we meet Wednesday at the MDC medical campus. Thanks! Dynamo
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:06:09 +0000

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