ATTENTION ALL FACEBOOK FAMILY AND FRIENDS--- CHURCH WITHOUT LIMITS CHALLENGE- PROJECT 3:16 ** This fall lets fall back in love with GOD. There is alot of hatred and deception in the world right now and terror with the rise of islam and persecution of christians. So let us rise soldiers, and take our place as front line soldiers. With this challenge let us take a vow to be a voice for the voices, to speak life to the hopeless and be a city on our knees. Let us be strong for the weak as we draw our strength from the LORD. Its time to stop talking and time to start doing something. Practice hospitality and pray for those who persecute you. If your enemy is hungry feed him. If someone is thirsty give them water, and do it in Jesus name. We will no longer be silent. Its time to spread the truth without limits and with boldness , warriors without limitations. We are the church body its time that we start operating as one body united under one spirit. Time to set denominations and traditions aside and start having a relationship where we are in all and seek to get our hearts filled with the Lords desire. HERE IS THE CHALLENGE. - change your profile pic for at least the month of now through october (at least) that includes JOHN 3:16 attached are examples, you can get decor tape (scrap book tape) and use a white paint marker, or just write with a pen either on face or on hands, or you can write either John 3:16, just 3:16; or PROJECT 3:16 on a regular piece of paper or cardboard box. Or just an image that contains 3:16 in it. ( a web page will be started shortly) to get the word and some videos promoted, and please let me know if you wish to help out with the production of that page. this picture signifies you are standing up for love against all things evil, depression, anxiety, cancer, terror and hate and making a vow to be a voice and speak life in a dying generation. This is more than just changing a picture, this is a way of starting a movement to get the word out . Its a vow that your relationship with JESUS is first and foremost and that its time to start doing and stop just existing. Lets let our light shine so bright that darkness has no corner to hide in. Lets remove our limits and be a church without limits!!!! Be sure to tell everyone you know to do this same thing and they tell others, and so on
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:44:07 +0000

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