ATTENTION ALL Herero and Khoisan of Namibia!!! Let us - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION ALL Herero and Khoisan of Namibia!!! Let us March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Swapo wishes to remove the Reiterdenkmal and replace it with a statue of Sam Nujoma at the same place where Herero and Khoisan people were kept in concentration camps and exterminated. This statue is part of our national historical landscape. Is this right? This is total disrespect, dishonour and disregard for our peoples which is provoking and sadenning. Swapo wishes to destroy the history of the Herero and Khoisan of Namibia and fears for our empowerment by means of reparations. Shall we continue to tolerate this? The Reiterdenkmal is much more than a German statue for us Khoisan and Herero. It is also a great favour the Germans did for us since the Swapo government refuses to erect a German Genocide monument in Namibia for our people. It is a symbolic reminder of the German Genocide in Namibia to all. The statue reminds the Germans that they have a moral and legal responsibility towards the Khoisan of Namibia and the Herero, to compensate us in cash and kind and to restore us for all our losses, injuries and damages suffered as a result of decisions made by the German State in the Name of the German State. Do we want healing, closure and to move on in peace and prosperity? Namibia’s History did not start in 1957. Swapo would not have been there and lead our nation to freedom, had it not been for previous historical events in Namibia. Is Swapo’s version of history our real history? Swapo is destroying us and tries by all means to silence our cry for restitution. Swapo has become the enemy of the Herero, Khoisan and the rest of non-Owambo Namibia. They kill and destroy us culturally, economically, legally and politically. In the mean time, Swapo erected a monument for them in Bremen in 1996 in Lüderitz street; they pocket all aid by the Germans; conspired with the Germans behind closed doors so that we are not compensated; change names of places at will; and conspired with the Germans to have all traces of the German Genocide in Namibia destroyed and removed. When was the last time Swapo and the Germans ever gave you hope for the future in YOUR hand? Swapo means nothing for us anymore. We are not deceived and vote not for more hunger anymore. The Namibian Khoisan Renaissance Movement calls upon all Khoisan (Basters, Coloureds, Nama and San), Herero (Herero, Mbanderu, Zemba and Himba) and our supporters from other Namibian races to join forces, come together and march peacefully to Statehouse in Windhoek (Regional Governors Offices at main regional towns), the Parliament of Namibia, the German Embassy, Swapo Head Quarters and Regional Offices, the Supreme Court of Namibia and Regional Magistrates Courts, and the UN representative in Namibia in Windhoek and major regional towns of Namibia on this day (Saturday, 10 January 2014) to deliver a petition to each one of them to demand for: 1. Reparations from the German State and the Namibian President’s, The Parliament’s, The UN’s and GRN’s resolved support. 2. Erection of a national monument and museum in Namibia for the German Genocide in Namibia. 3. A national public holiday to commemorate the German Genocide in Namibia. 4. The Reiterdenkmal and other German statues across Namibia to be left intact and no statue of Sam Nujoma or any other person not identified with the German Genocide in Namibia be erected in its place. 5. Inclusion of ALL Namibian races in empowerment and development programmes in line with the Constitution, laws and statutes of the Republic of Namibia. Discriminatory and exclusivist laws, and government and party policies and programmes towards our peoples be repealed or corrected so as to include us in their affirmative action policies and programmes. 6. The entire history about Namibia to be corrected and documented truthfully, objectively, factually and ethically and be presented as such audio-visually, on the internet and in printed and other forms such as the national education curriculum. Recognition of our history, experience of it and contributions towards Namibia’s independence in its full truthful entirety to be acknowledged and publicised by government and included in the national education curriculum too 7. Return of all ancestral land, historical and cultural artifacts, skulls and documents from abroad that would have us attain closure with regard to suffering and hurt in the past. 8. A section to be established in the History Department of the University of Namibia to research and develop courses on the history of the German Genocide of Namibia. 9. Statues of Khoisan and Herero national heroes and heroines who contributed significantly to Namibias freedom be erected all over Namibia as well as those of all other races too. 10. All remains of our people lying scattered across the face of Namibia and in the Namib Desert be afforded a proper burrial and resting place as well as grave sites such as the Old Location Grave Site and others in a deplorable state be renovated as part of our national heritage. And that all our leaders, stalwarts and heroes, past and present, be recognised and bestowed with national honours too. Let us join this event in our thousands upon thousands and come together on Friday, 10 January 2014 in Windhoek and all major regional towns of Namibia to march and say enough is enough! Let’s organise ourselves in Windhoek and in each major town and peacefully demonstrate our united resolve and power as one people to have our history acknowledged, to get restoration and to get included in national programmes, policies and projects. Invite all your friends, family, associates, acquaintances and colleagues to join our event. We will all wear black on this day and have red and/or white flags and petition banners and placates. You can make your own. Black symbolises our losses, injuries and damages during the German colonial period and German Genocide in Namibia as well as our age-old sadness and mourning. Red symbolises blood spilled, lives and family, fellow cultural members and friends lost during the German colonial period and German genocide in Namibia. Their blood watered our freedom. White symbolises real freedom, peace, development, inclusion, empowerment and prosperity for the children of the victims of the German Genocide in Namibia as well as the rest of Namibia. GATHERING POINTS Eenhana, Municipality (CBD) Gobabis, Municipality (CBD) Katima Mulilo, Municipality (CBD) Keetmanshoop, Municipality (CBD) Mariental, Municipality (CBD) Omuthiya, Municipality (CBD) Opuwo, Municipality (CBD) Oshakati, Municipality (CBD) Otjiwarongo, Municipality (CBD) Outapi, Municipality (CBD) Rundu, Municipality (CBD) Swakopmund, Municipality (CBD) Windhoek, UN Plaza (Independence Avenue, Katutura) We will end the day by marching to the Reiterdenkmal (Windhoek) for a short keynote address and national prayer there. We will stick our flags in the ground at the end. At other towns, the march will end at a local monument/museum/church/site tied with German colonialism and/or the German Genocide in Namibia. This is extremely serious stuff. Its for you and our children. Join only if you are serious to make a change for yourself, your children and Namibia as a whole. If the ANC government ever treats you like the apartheid government treated you, you should do what the ANC has done to the apartheid government - Nelson Mandela.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:16:20 +0000

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