ATTENTION ALL POTENTIAL MANIACS - HEAD HAUNTRESS HERE - ONE WEEK TODAY IS RULE POST!! BE ONLINE AFTER 3 PM EDT MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND to claim one of the 30 to 35 MADNESS Active Slots!!! Click the link and Just say IM IN in the comment thread at that time. There will also be a wait-list. SCHEDULE: Fellow MADNESS Judge Kweeny Todd created a 10 minute PRIMER video to introduce THE MADNESS to the newbies of the group! Below is the the link to this and a SAMPLE OF THE RULES for last years MADNESS theme PORTRAIT OF A VIDEO NASTY. Scoring changes slighlty every year, but the basic rules stay the same. PRIMER: youtube/attribution_link?a=oTTathFlJoM&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dn4We4x1PET0%26feature%3Dshare LAST YEARS RULES: https://facebook/group/HALLOWEENMADNESS/697646436950426/ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH at 7PM EDT - Join The Head Hauntress on Dollar Bin Horror Radio as she goes over THE MADNESS RULES LIVE with Team Captain Rhonda Kachur and Team Judge Eric Polk!!! PODCAST LINK TBA EVENT PAGE: https://facebook/events/654154371359505/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming SEPTEMBER 22nd to Friday OCTOBER 3rd. – WARM UP to the MADNESS and the start of TRIVIAL BONUS POINTS. Create your queues and earn some early MADNESS Points. HAPPENING NOW until OCTOBER 4TH - MADNESS PHOTO CONTEST - OPEN TO ANYONE IN THE GROUP!! You know its there that DOLL or ACTION FIGURE. The that was destroyed but you keep and still love. The one you cant throw away. Take a Picture and post it here. The JUDGES will vote on their favorite during the the first week of THE MADNESS. DEADLINE is October 4th. It can be just a pic of the doll OR you can pose them your choice!! WINNER gets a the MADNESS Poster created by 8-Bit Frank Browning! DURING THE WARM-UP: THE PROFESSOR of the Monster Matinee Buffet as he posts a very special AUTOMATON THEMED Pod Cast. For Active MANIACS there will be a SPECIAL BONUS for people who listen. DATE and LINK TBA SEPTEMBER 22nd - RULE POST!!! Up to 30 to 35 Maniacs can actively participate in this years contest by claiming a slot. SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th at 12:01 AM ALL TIMES ZONES – OFFICIAL START OF THE MADNESS!!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:15:14 +0000

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