ATTENTION ALL PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES COUNCILLORS AND TDs The silence from You our public representatives is deafening and the people need assurance and guidance from you and or your official party line on the events going on in your constituencies. Edel Corrigan Cllr, Thomas Sharkey , Jennifer Green, Clr Meenan, John McGahon, Clr Breatnach, Maeve Yore, Maria Doyle, Butler, Mark Deary, Loughran, Savage, and Connor Keelan. Also TD Peter Fitzpatrick WE NEED ANSWERS AND WE NEED THEM NOW AND WE AWAIT YOUR REPLY AND YOUR ACTIONS TO BE SEEN. WE ELECTED YOU INTO OFFICE SO COME ON WE NEED YOU NOW! The people are afraid the people are angry over this imposition this violation of their homes by a private company namely Irish Water. Then when the protest peacefully they are being harassed by the agents of this Private Company who then call in reinforcements namely state Gardai who proceed in abusing their power by unlawfully arresting the innocent who are peacefully protesting. I have experienced this first hand when an agent of this Private Company came to my door and intimidated me in a threatening manner into complying with his directions. I ensured him that I would not ever comply with any directions from him or anyone when I was in my own home and I had registered with him company my legal objections of no compliance, no consent, and no contract with his private company, a copy of which is pasted in my window. He then called the Gardai but as I was in my legal rights they could not do anything to my rights. DMcK
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:43:20 +0000

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