ATTENTION BRIDE! Here is The Key of David Part 1-2-3/The Kings - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION BRIDE! Here is The Key of David Part 1-2-3/The Kings of the North, and South The Key Of David Part 1, 11/25/12 By: Pastor John W. Thompson-Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11)... Only the Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia properly teach about the Kings of the North, South, East, and West described in the Bible. You must know end-time prophecies regarding these Kings. The Key of David is not just used to unlock the lineage of Yahshua as some teach. The Key of David given to Philadelphia and Smyrna unlock all end-time Bible prophecies. Knowing these truths are called having The Key Of David. Remember? There are Two Keys of End-Time Bible Prophecy? One main focus of this Ministry here at Smyrna as a Watchman is to monitor all rising Beast systems and the two Keys of end-time Bible prophecy. The Bible shows these as being the chief indicators of the End Time which culminates with the return of Yahshua. Matt. 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso, readeth, let him understand:) What the Spirit says! Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Whats really going on with the uprisings in Egypt, and the Middle East this week? The Kings of the North, and South. What is happening? One of the big reasons why people in Israel fear what is happening in Egypt and with all the uprisings going on in the Middle East is because Egypt joins Israels southern border. I believe that Islamic extremism is gaining power in Egypt. There is a Bible prophecy that indicates to me that Egypt will probably fall to Islam, or be strongly influenced by Islam. Daniel 11:40 and 42. This verse indicates Egypt will be allied with the King of the South (Iran). That is probably the reason Egypt is also attacked and taken captive. I do believe this prophecy in Daniel 11:42 indicates that we are about to see a radical change in Egyptian politics. Very soon the King of the North (Germany) is going to wage war against radical Islam. This whirlwind blow will destroy the King of the South (Iran). As I said before only the Church of Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) and Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13) properly teaches about the Kings of the North, South, East, and West described in the Bible. You must know end-time prophecies regarding these Kings. The Key of David is not just used to unlock the lineage of Yahshua as some teach. The Key of David given to Philadelphia and Smyrna unlock all end-time Bible prophecies. Knowing these truths are called having The Key Of David. I believe that it is very possible that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt can and will get control of Egyptian politics. It will be very similar to how Hamas a terror group got control of Gaza. I dont know why people wont believe their Bibles. The future of Egypt is very bleak, just as the Bible prophesied in the book of Daniel about 600 years before the first coming of Christ. The transformation of Egypt into an Islamist country would be the single most significant event I could imagine in the Islamic world, beyond an Iranian bomb. End-time prophecies regarding Egypt revolve around one major prophecy. It goes into detail and describes a massive clash between a Northern power and a Southern Islamic power that will trigger world war 3. The Southern power is the King of the South. The King of the South will provoke a massive retaliation by the Northern power, the King of the North. This prophecy is detailed in Daniel 11:40-42. When the Southern Islamic power is overthrown, the land of Egypt shall not escape, verse 42 says. This Scripture has given insight into the future of Egyptian politics. Continue to follow Pastor John The Revelator for my chapters on the Key of David. These end-time prophecies reveal the Kings of the North, South, East, and West. No place else will you learn about these prophecies since no church or teacher even teaches about these truths. As Written only the Churches found at Smyrna and at Philadelphia properly teaches the truth about the Key of David as we are moved by the Kodesh Holy Spirit. Key of David Part 2, The Key to Unlocking Bible Prophecy is Knowing These Facts Written 12/15/12 / by: Pastor John The Revelator THE KEY OF DAVID continued This is a list of Biblical terms and names. To unlock end-time prophecies you must know the true meanings of these names and terms. Names/Terms. Biblical Meaning Assyrians = The Germans Assyria = Germany Tarshish = Japan Chittim = The Island of Cyprus and also refers to the nation of China. Kittim = China Tribe of Ephraim = Great Britain Tribe of Manasseh = America, U.S.A. Kings of the East. = Russia, China, Japan King of the North = Germany King of the South = Iran NATO = The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Or the EU. Twenty-one new countries have joined NATO or the EU since 1963. European Union = The EU is prophesied to be ultimately comprised of 10 Kings ruling 10 nations, or groups of nations. Some call the EU or NATO the Roman Empire. (Bible Prophecies To Watch For, That Will Soon Come To Pass)... Isaiah 23 discusses the destruction of the destroyer of Israel. In the last days Yahveh uses Russia, China, and Japan to destroy them. They will ally themselves together. Soon Russia and America are going to make the big mistake of trusting Germany again. Japan is a powerful nation that belongs to a group of nations that will include Europe. And, in the last days these nations will attack America, Britain and the Jewish nation. In the end days China and Japan are prophesied to be powerful nations. An alliance between Europe And South America will grow extremely strong. The Latin American countries will align with Europe. A German-led Europe (the King of the North) will possess great maritime power. North America will be surrounded on the East by Europe and the South by Latin America. The Bible contains many prophecies of this European power attacking America, and many other prophecies of America being attacked. When America is attacked China and the giants of Asia will enter the picture. When the German-led empire attacks North America, there will be no sympathy from Asia. In fact, I believe there may be a brief alliance between the German-led empire and certain Asian powers (Russia, China, and Japan. These are called in the Bible as the Kings of the East). The European Unions economic power will overtake the U.S. and Japan will become Chinas biggest trading partner. Europe and China will be cooperating in nuclear research. The relationship we see developing between the Kings of the East and the King of the North is exactly what Isaiah prophesied over 2,700 years ago. In the last days there will be many earthquakes and natural disasters. The United States and British peoples make up primarily Israel today. This King of the South is the Iran-led radical Muslims. Soon they will push at the King of the North and provoke war (Daniel 11:40). This religious war will trigger a world war. Bible prophecy reveals that Asian nations will soon put aside their differences to unite against a common enemy. War between Greece and Turkey is feared. Turkey will ally itself with Iran. Egyptian Muslims will get more radical keeping with Bible prophecy. The U.S. will try to isolate Iran, the attempt will fail. The U.S. is fighting against Bible prophecy. The EU army (being only one of the many rising Beast Government systems) will enter the Holy Land (Jerusalem) this will be a peaceful entry. This is the coming war machine, not Rome as others teach. The false Christ will be a Jew as Written, however, he will use the King of the North as his war machine and will stir up the sons of Ishmael in the Middle East. They will come in as peacekeepers. But this leads to a great double-cross, prophesied in Ezekiel chapter 23. Also called the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Many other countries are going to fall to this great power also, Daniel 11:42-43. The Kings of the East which are the Russians and the Chinese will prepare for war with Europe. The Europeans will see it happening and strike first. They will, however, be defeated (Daniel 11:44). The religious leader of the European Union led by Germany will move his headquarters to the city of Jerusalem. We know this religious leader to be the (false Christ) according to Daniel 11:45. The abomination of desolation, is going to conquer America and Britain. After this is the return of Yahshua the Messiah, Daniel 12:12. The false christ must come first, before our Christ can return. It is time to more closely watch Iran the King of the South as it continues to aggressively push its jihadist policy agenda against, a German-led Europe and against the nation of Israel. Its also time to more closely watch Germany the King of the North, we need to watch for its coming response to this push from the Biblical King of the South which is Iran. Its time to watch, ever more closely, the city of Jerusalem. King of the South vs King of the North. Soon hostility between these two Kings, Iran and Europe will erupt into an oil war. The Bible says a clash between Iran and Europe is inevitable. Daniel 11 prophecies that an Iranian-led Middle Eastern power (referred to as the King of the South) will push at a European power (the King of the North) and provoke a war. Keep watch daily with pastor John the Revelator here at the Church at Smyrna for all end time prophecies. Check our blog site daily at thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot The Key of David, Part 3, Kings of the East Russian / China, These Powers Are Going To Impact This World. Written 1/16/13 By: Pastor John W. Thompson Remember, the book of Daniel 12:4, is an end-time book. You must understand who the Kings of the East, North, and South are, as well as who these nations are today, or Daniel will have prophesied in vain. So God gives us the specific time and the exact direction of where Europes enemy is located. Things arent always what they seem in the world of politics. Often there is more to an event than most people realize. Russias invasion of Georgia in 2008, was an example of this. The relationship between Russia and Germany is very tense right now. The summer of 2008 marked the beginning of a new era. We saw an extraordinary military strike by one of the Kings of the East (Russia). China is another of those Kings. Russia and China are right now amassing alot of power and quickly. Europe is seeing this and is formulating a counter strategy. The whole world should see this developing and realize whats going to happen. This will end in war. Mark my words, Russian power is going to impact this world. This earth is a time bomb, waiting to explode. This world is in total madness. It is exactly the way Christ prophesied that it would be almost 2,000 years ago. For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time. And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved (alive), but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened (Matthew 24:21-22). If Christ didnt intervene and stop the madness, there would be no flesh saved alive. Not one person or animal would be left alive. Europes nervousness about events in Russia gives us insight into highly terrifying Bible prophecy. It is now coming into fulfillment. These events in Russia and Europe are working out according to Gods master plan. Even the Russian people dont understand why their nation is again back at the center of global events. But you can know, all you need is to understand the Bible, which tells us to watch worlds events, not dates. World events will date the Bibles prophecies and reveal where we are in the overall time frame. A dictatorial Russian government is again on the world scene, and you need to know where it is leading. This Russian power will be able to challenge Europe when nobody else can, including the U.S. China and The European Union are going to become the next worlds Superpowers, says Bible prophecy. Dont expect Russia to drop from the news headlines. In fact, expect Russia to ramp up its efforts to restore the Soviet empire. Soon Russia will ally with China and other Asian nations. They know that they are next on Europes hit list, the worlds next Superpower, which likes to attack without warning. Germany has a big history of starting world wars, and Germany leads the European Union. So Russia and China will gather their armies on the borders of Europe. This move will make Europe very nervous. So much so that it will attack Russia and China. According to Daniel 11:44-45, But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him, therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. This is where the rise of Europe and Russia is leading. It is building now even as you read this. The tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him (the United Europe). That means the frightening news comes from the northeast, look on any world map and see who is located northeast of Europe, its Russia and China, which will soon unite. As you will see, these prophecies get even more detailed as time goes on. They are being fulfilled before our eyes. Its all happening just as Daniel and other prophets prophesied thousands of years ago. Never have we seen so many prophecies fulfilled so fast. It is our duty as Gods elect to watch and witness these prophecies as their being fulfilled. Well Father I John whom you have given Word to revelate in these end days to the world and your elect, do bare the record and give witness to these things that even Daniel was not able to see or record. Thank you, YAHVEH. All these events are bringing us toward Jesus Christs second coming, and all of Yahvehs Elect say, come Lord Yahshua, Come quickly, Amen... In Yahvehs Service: Pastor John The Revelator... The Voice of Elijah The Church of Yahveh at Smyrna thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2014/10/here-is-key-of-david-part-1-2-and-3.html
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:56:10 +0000

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