ATTENTION BRIDE! REMEMBER? TONIGHTS STUDY... Satan’s Greatest Tool Has Always Been Using Fool’s 10/11/14 PUBLISHED BY THE CHURCH OF GOD AT SMYRNA... Satan’s Greatest Tool Has Always Been Using Fool’s Pastor John the Elect Elder This is how Satan’s many false and fake highly trained teachers operate…The False Shepherd’s falsely thinking they are Wise… Some of you have become my disciples over the three and a half years this Smyrna Church has been freely publishing. Others dont quite know what to make of what Father has given me in Spirit to write. Most have no interest in anything I have to say. Thats as it should be. To each his (or her) own. Yahveh never said that everybody would be saved or hear His Messenger and His Message...In fact, Yahshua indicated most would be lost. For the benefit of those who read what father gives me in Spirit to write in order to learn what Yahveh has called me to teach, I want to explain something now that you must understand before the events of recent history make much sense at all. Perhaps after this article, you will better understand why I frequently say the important thing is not that you believe, but what you believe. So here it goes. I want to begin by defining a few basic terms. A fool is one who confidently carries on concerning something that he knows nothing about. However, a fool is greatly surpassed in his ignorance by the imbecile who assumes he has learned some great esoteric truth while sitting at the feet of the fool. The moron, by way of contrast, doesn’t even bother to sit. Like a talking parrot, he repetitiously recites-at the most appropriate (or, most often, inappropriate) time-the trite phrases he has heard the fool and the imbecile use. The Church has seen its share of fools, imbeciles, and morons over the past two millennia. Yet during the past three centuries there has been a profound resurgence of the spectacle wherein fools teach imbeciles whose rubbish is repeated by a vast crowd of morons. And each new generation is just as firmly convinced as the last that they have, by their great wisdom, somehow attained some worthwhile knowledge concerning the real Truth of the Scriptures… Satan, meanwhile, has been watching the proceedings with absolute glee. Like the father of fools that he is, he actually believes he is going to triumph by means of the confusion generated through the half-witted speculations of the best minds this world has had to offer. Amazingly, he has, until now, assumed God’s Church was rapidly approaching its end. On the face of it, one would have to agree with his assessment of the situation. The evidence in the Church would lead one to believe all that remains to be done is to read the eulogy and lower the casket. Anybody with a shred of common sense can see that the Church today, in all its various denominations and sundry forms, is nothing more than a farce. It has become unto this Spirit sent watchman, under the stewardship of Satan’s agents, a mocking caricature of the Church established by the Apostles of Yahshua our Messiah… How did the Church get into such a mess? Contrary to what one might assume or think, it was easy. All it had to do was, like mindless morons, repeat the folly of fools and imbeciles who explained things about which they knew next to nothing. As the ongoing oral teachings of various denominations and their traditions all put forward by fools, the Church today is, for the most part, the visible product of people’s false and fake confidence in their ability to identify rational beings. Unfortunately, their confidence is seriously misplaced. Yahveh did not create us to find the Truth on our own. He created us to learn the Truth from Him. If that were the case, the Revelation He provided in the Scriptures would not even be necessary. Therefore, those who have sought, or are still seeking, to find the Truth for themselves are nothing more than fools. And none are more foolish than those who take such pride in their own stupendous mental capacity that they look for the Truth within themselves... thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2014/06/satans-greatest-tool-has-always-been.html In Fathers Service: John the Elder The Voice of Elijah Pastor/Traveling Overseer The Church of God at Smyrna thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2014/06/satans-greatest-tool-has-always-been.html
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:42:41 +0000

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