ATTENTION BRIDE! REMEMBER, WE DIE TO LIVE? This study will be - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION BRIDE! REMEMBER, WE DIE TO LIVE? This study will be very offensive to some readers. The Revelation that the Church age would come to an end was a shocking Revelation given to me by my Heavenly Father in Spirit, on 3/7/10. But, it also can be a great blessing in the lives of those who will understand the Biblical truth that it sets forth. May YAHVEH have mercy on each reader of this study, and may it result in a readiness to do the will of Almighty God, I ask this in Christ Jesus name. Amen In this study we will see, that it will show, that we are now in that time of history when the Church age has come to an end. YAHVEH has commanded each and every believer to leave his local Church and continue to serve God outside of the local Churches and Congregations. This is the action required by YAHVEH for any and all who tremble before the Word. Of course this does not include those Churches and Congregations with Pastors who teach the True Word of God, and know how to rightly divide the scriptures; and if they are teaching only Gods Word and not the doctrines of men while doing this truly, in SPIRIT, than they are fine of course. The end of the Church age is in no way speaking of the true invisible Church, the Many Member Body of Christs. And, as long as this present world exists, Father will be adding souls to it. I have witnessed Father, how the Churches have departed from the truths of the Bible. You told us Father, that in the end of days there would be a falling away. God has not only allowed the Churches to fall away, but He has appointed Satan as the ruler of the Churches. The Old Testament book of Daniel also speaks of this time. I know this because God has directed me to look back into the book of Daniel, and Matthew 24:15 also. In Daniel 7:21 and 25 we read, I beheld, and the same horn made war with the Saints, and prevailed against them, And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the Saints (the very elect) of the Most High, and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Verse 21 is very similar to Revelation 13:7. Satan is the little horn who will make war with the Churches (the true Church, the Many Member Body of Christs) and will prevail. Remember, we die to live? John the Elder READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE FREE OF CHARGE AT: thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2013/06/daniel-72125-has-church-age-come-to-end.html
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:45:47 +0000

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