ATTENTION CLASS: your money or what you perceive as money aka the - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION CLASS: your money or what you perceive as money aka the us dollar is a check to pay. the united states government went broke long ago and resorted to selling your gold and silver on the open market and replacing it with fiat credits that were backed by your future labors. each one of us has a birth certificate and ss card on those cards lie the bond and bank account numbers to a credited amount. The whole reason you have a credit system is because of this. all our debt is pre paid in a treasury account when you are born and your mother signs authority to the state to create a strawman from your existence. this strawman is given your exact name but in all caps (check your bills, your credit card, license hell even your insurance) they are in all caps; although your name given to you at birth is not this same version it is your living breathing name in upper and lower case. thus once you are signed for the deposit gets made and the us treasury and federal reserve multiply that currency by loaning it out thus creating more debt/currency. each of you have an account located on the back of your social security card that starts with a letter; the letter represents a federal reserve branchs routing number the following number are the account number. this is no theory i have tested it and the accounts exists, in your strawmans name. the banks do not tell you this at all but from birth they deposit $620,000 federal reserve credits and by the time your full grown i has billions in it. the card itself is a check to the social security administration. there are also legal ways to have your bills setoff by the treasury and you do not have to pay them..including mortgage..GOOGLE AV4 accepted for value
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:07:40 +0000

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