ATTENTION DIRECTORS! 1) Message from the Youth Department - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION DIRECTORS! 1) Message from the Youth Department Director 2) Camporee Objectives 3) Staff 4) Registration Information 5) Camporee Schedule 6) Pre- Requirements 7) Events a. Spiritual Events b. Skills Events c. Physical Events Message from the Youth Department Director Camporee Objectives 1) Reinforce the theme “Stand Firm” to help the youth to reaffirm the compromise that Pathfinders have in the ministry to participate actively in all evangelistic programs. 2) Strengthen the mental, physical, social and spiritual capabilities of the youth through the events. 3) Accomplish the goal that each pathfinder may have, “A great friendship with our leader Jesus.” 4) Express and give to the youth the joy of being a Pathfinder. 5) Be filled with the Holy Spirit to be victorious in this world and be prepared for heaven. Camporee Staff NJC Youth Director: Paulo Macena NJC Youth Assist. Director: Jorge Cojax State Coordinator: Luis Ramirez State Coordinator Assist. : Reyna Zapata Zone 1-2 General Coordinator: Evelyn Ramirez Pathfinder Coordinator: Jessica Padilla Zone 3 East General Coordinator: Efrain Amaya Pathfinder Coordinator: Daniel Sanchez Zone 3 West General Coordinator: Corey Sams. Pathfinder Coordinator: Evelyn Roque Zone 4 General Coordinator: Daniel Sancerni Pathfinder Coordinator: Keith Camacho/ Luis Ruiz Zone 5-6 General Coordinator: Yvonne Predergast- Deebrah Pathfinder Coordinator: Roberto Nieves Zone 7 General Coordinator: Maria Tejeda Pathfinder Coordinator: Roberto Jimenez Registration Early Registration: 100 points Regular Registration: 80 points Late Registration: 50 Points Pathfinder Camporee 2014 Schedule Pre- Requirements 1. Every General Coordinator has to send through email the points of every club in their zones to both Pastor Macena, and the Pathfinder State Coordinator, Luis Ramirez. They have to send all their information to both leaders so that no misunderstanding may occur. The deadline to send this information in is May 5! Any information received after this date will not be accepted, it will be too late. b. Uniform Inspection reports from every club in your zones. c. Drilling and Marching reports from every club in your zones. 2. Creativity Expression Pathfinders will use creative art to express Daniel’s story. (Examples: Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, Daniel praying, Daniel and the King’s Food, etc.) Points: a. First place: 100 points b. Second Place: 80 points c. Third Place: 50 points Events Each club will get 100 extra points for every Event that participate Spiritual Events: A-SPEED BIBLE -In this event two pathfinders and one TLT/staff will participate. In this event the participants will be in a circle of 10 meters in diameter. There will be another smaller circle inside the larger circle and that’s where the judge will be standing. The participant’s hands will have to be in front of them holding the bible. The judge will say the bible verse that they have to look for and once the whistle blows they can start looking for that verse. Once they have found the verse in their bible they have to run to the judge and the group that gets there first and accumulates the most points will win. There will be three rounds to this event. -5 points will be taken away from any group that opens the bible before the whistle is blown. -5 points will be taken away to the participant that looks for the answer in the bible on their way to the judge. -For every verse found: 25 Points a. Beliefs -In this event five pathfinders and one TLT or staff will participate. In this event, they will work in group to try to find as much words (which will be the 28 Fundamental Beliefs) in a crossword puzzle. The maximum time that will be given are five minutes, but whichever group that finishes it in less time, will receive 25 extra points. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue -In this event six pathfinders will participate. They will work in a group trying to find each part of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue along with each parts meaning in the least possible time. A maximum time of 5 minutes will be given. Any group that can finish it all in less than 5 minutes will gain 25 extra points. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points b. Books of the Bible -In this event 5 pathfinders and 1TLT/Staff will participate. They will have to organize the books of the bible in categories. Old Testament New Testament a. Law a. Gospels b. History b. History c. Poetry and Wisdom c. Letters of Paul d. Major Prophets d. General Letters e. Minor Prophets e. Prophecy -The club that finishes this event in the least time will be given 25 extra points. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points c. PAREJAS BIBLICAS In this event three pathfinders will participate. They need to know by memory the 12 names of Jacob sons and also the names of the 12 apostles. You will find them in the Book of genesis chapter 35 and in Matthew 10. The participants need to repeat to the judge the 24 names in two minutes in order to get the complete points. If they say them in more time, we will count the names said and we will give them partial points depending in how many names they say. The winner club will have the participants who repeat more names in less time. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points SKILLS EVENTS In all of these events 5 pathfinders and one TLT/staff will participate. Materials: - Shelter: Each club will bring two sticks (51 inches long), a tarp (10x10), rope, 6 stakes from tents and one hammer. - Fire: Conference will provide everything. - Wood: Conference will provide the piece of wood but every club needs to bring their own axe. (size 14” ) - First Aid: Every club needs to bring 4 triangular bandages. - Tents: The conference will provide the tents. - Knots: Every club needs to bring their own 6 ropes (30 inches each) Procedure: Besides the starting line, there will be 6 other lines marked around the field. In each of those lines, there will be the materials for each event. On the first line the shelter event will occur. The second line is where the fire event will occur. The third line is where the wood event will occur. The fourth line is where the First Aid event will occur. The fifth line is where the tents will be built and put back away too. Once the whistle blows to begin the game, stopwatch will start and the 6 participants will have to separate and run to their one event. In each event only one participant will participate. If any of the participants finish their one event, then they can go help their friend in their other event only Once. So let’s say, if the one participant doing the event of the shelter is finished with his/her event, they can go help only one of their friends in one event. If the shelter participant decides to help the First Aid participant then he/she cannot help anyone else, but since the First Aid participant didn’t help anyone then he/she can go help in only one other event. This works vice versa with all the other events but no participant can help more than once. Once they have all finished their events, they can all go to the last line. Once they reach that last line, there will be a rope that has 6 different cards hanging from it with the names of different knots that the participants will have to do with their ropes. Once they have finished all of their knots, the whole group has to shout out the name of their club all together and the stopwatch will be stopped. Physical Events - RELAY RACE -In this event 3 pathfinders will participate and 1 TLT/Staff. The four participant will be 50 meters apart from each other. Once the whistle blows, the first pathfinder with the stick (12 inches) will have to run to the second pathfinder and give it to them. This will continue until the stick reaches to the last participant which is the TLT/staff. The TLT/staff will then have to return back to the starting line where the judge will be controlling the time it took to finish. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points B- Tug of War -In this event 5 pathfinders and 1 TLT/staff will participate. Once the whistle blows, both teams will pull on the rope till they have passed the mark in the middle. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place 20 points C- Dragging and Tracks (check) -In this event one pathfinder and one staff will participate. The participants will have to find something following the drags and tracks in a time of 5 minutes. Any group that finishes the event in less than five minutes will receive 25 extra points. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points D- CANOEING; In this event will participate three pathfinders, any canoe that tips over or person that falls will lose 50 points. If one of the oars is lost, 25 points will be taken away. Procedure: All of the canoes will depart from the starting point all together. They will have to reach a certain point and they will have to come back. The canoe that makes it in the least time will receive 75 points. The second with the least time will receive 60 extra point, third with the least time will receive 45 extra points and the four with the least time will receive 20 extra points. E- OBSTACLES: In this event participate 4 pathfinders and one TLT or Staff. 1 place: 75 points 2 place: 60 points 3 place: 45 points 4 place: 20 points !!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:44:21 +0000

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