***ATTENTION ECKART TOLLE FANS!!! TAKE A BREAK FROM MEDITATING AND LOOKING AT TREES TO READ THIS!!!*** Did you like The Power of Now? So did 2 or 3 million other people. I liked 64% of it. Here is the message weve been given in a nutshell: ____________________________________________________________ What you think of as you is an illusion. Its nothing more than your ego or self with a lowercase s. It is the enemy within that accuses, worries, blames, judges, boasts, hates, envies, lusts etc. Believing you are this lowercase self is the cause of all your suffering. The cure is to be more conscious of the present moment and meditate until it goes away and you realize you are actually God. Along with everyone else. ____________________________________________________________ Thank you, Eckart, for the brand new 2,600-year-old disinformation. If only egos went so quietly. Is living in the moment a good idea? Yes. Is meditating a good thing? Scientifically proven ... yes. Do any combination of those two things kill an ego? You have a better chance of knocking out 1980s Mike Tyson in a boxing match. Trying to meditate an ego away is like having a staring contest with whoever is the best starer that ever lived, and when you finally blink, he just keeps staring at you. Forever. Earlier much less enlightened cultures had a name for all that hating and envying and lusting that annoying little ego does. Do you want to know what they called it? EVIL. Oh man ... that sounds pretty lame doesnt it? Evil. Hahaha. I think George W got laughed at for using that old-fashioned outdated word. Evil shmevil, right? Let me ask you a question. What do you think is going through a mans mind right before he rapes and murders a woman? Might it be any of that stuff our lowercase self plagues us with listed above? Would you consider the act of raping and murdering evil? What if it happened to you or your wife? Or mother? Would it be evil then? THERE IS MORE AT STAKE HERE THAN YOUR PERSONAL PEACE AND ENLIGHTENMENT Show me a person with no pride due to meditation, and I will show you a purple unicorn that chews gum, blows bubbles, and when the bubbles pop a magical fairy comes out and sits on your shoulder for the rest of your life telling you what an amazing meditator you are. You know one thing I really dig about Tolle and the other thousand New Agers with the exact same message? They understand in a way most people dont that ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED - materially and spiritually. Science has proven the material part, but that can be extrapolated into the spiritual realm pretty easily in my mind. Keep this notion of oneness in mind as we proceed. When considering what to do about the problem of evil - I mean ego - consider this ... There was this guy named Jesus. You may have heard of him. Wait! STOP. Dont scroll away!!! lol. A lot of people get indignant the second they hear the name Jesus. For the sake of you not doing that, consider that Im talking about the historical human being who had the name Jesus. Not the caricature of him pop culture has created in your mind or the man-made religion self-serving sociopaths have built around his name. Guys like Eckhart Tolle think very highly of him as one of the great spiritual teachers, as most people do. As a matter of fact, Tolle mentions him in The Power of Now more than any other spiritual figure (might that have been to make the Power Pill easier to swallow for the masses?). But the thing is, Jesus never claimed to be just a spiritual teacher. He claimed to be GOD. And he said he was here to sacrifice his life to save us from what Tolle claims is our ego. Jesus called it sin (evil). Sacrifice has a long history in mankinds attempt to save itself. - child sacrifice - animal sacrifice - self-sacrifice Its almost as if we know deep down that in order to be saved something has to die. Some sacrifice has to be made. What if our self loathing is all due to an inherent sense that WE DESERVE TO DIE? And what if we do? What if were not as good as we think? The trendy version today is ego-sacrifice. Hence the term the death of the ego. Frued and Jung could have called it anything: the end of the ego, the dissolution of the ego, the deliverance of the ego, the escape from the ego. No, there must be a death. Something must die in order for there to be deliverance. Ever hear of the medical procedure called blood-letting? It started a few thousand years ago and was practiced all the way up to just recently. The theory was that disease was caused by evil, and blood carried the life force of the body. Let blood out, and the patient will be healed. Of course this didnt work, but I find it interesting that the instincts of three thousand years of priests and physicians (often one and the same) would lead them to this conclusion. Paleo food for thought ... What if when Jesus was murdered at the hands of the religious elite, all the evil and egos of the world - past, present and future - were placed on him? AND HE BLED IT ALL OUT THROUGH HIS OWN BODY Hhmmm ... Remember ... we are all connected. Even through time. Even to Jesus. For a few thousand years the Jews practiced a version of blood-letting also. Once a year a perfect and spotless lamb would be presented to the priest. The priest would smile at the lamb, pet its precious head, symbolically transfer all the ego-evil-sins of the nation on to the lamb and then slit its throat releasing all the evil through the blood. Jesus had a nickname in case you didnt know. It was The Lamb of God. He was the perfect ETERNAL sacrifice. Once for all. Let me tie all this together for you. Like Tolle and the New Agers say ... we are all indeed connected. We are all parts of one body. Ego isnt the problem. Evil is the problem. It is a disease that has infected the whole body from head to toe. Well two thousand years ago God decided to become one of the parts and bleed it out on behalf of the body. He died so you could be free. You ARE free already. But like all things in life, you have to believe it in order for it to be made experiential and applied to you. Forget religion. Forget Christianity as its currently perceived. Ask yourself, What do I think about Jesus? That question will haunt you the rest of your life until you answer it. Stop striving. Start believing. Stop working. Start trusting. Stop meditating. Its good for brain health. Thats about it. Jesus died so you dont have to. Believing that is the Kill Shot to your ego. If youre the type that needs scientific proof, read The Case for Christ, and, if you can handle it, Evidence That Demands A Verdict.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:28:10 +0000

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